Chapter 24: Call me Father.

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Eight months into pregnancy.....

" Alexander ...I need to go for a downworld Cabinet meeting today" said Magnus worriedly.

"Its okay ...Magnus...we three can take care of each other. " said Alexander rubbing his eight months pregnant belly with twins.

"What are you doing Alexander....? Leave that batter and bacon alone." reprimanded Magnus.

" Magnus do everything ...let me do some work atleast...."said Alec whinning.

In the meantime Alec moved a little to opposite kitchen counter to take the pan . Because of his huge pregnant belly ...this small task became a great difficulty for the fierce shadowhunter.

"Just look at the struggle which you had in just taking the pan from opposite counter.... Alexander, come on ...I can't see you struggling like that" said Magnus helplessly.

"Oh come on Magnus ....I am not dying ...I am just carrying two healthy big babies and so I am huge and thus the should not be worrying so much about us ... worry a little about your people too ...High have a meeting today." said Alec while putting the batter on the hot pan for making pancakes.

Magnus came near Alec and held his shoulder so that Alec faced Magnus. Magnus cupped Alec's face and said

" Alexander, you are my priority. I am a family man now . I do my job as a High Warlock with all my devotion . You of all the people will be knowing it, because you also devote yourself to your job as the Head of the Institute. Though Jace is acting in your place now but I know that you sneak into our house-office at night after I sleep to finish the paperwork for the Clave which Jace sends you daily . Alexander this time your body needs more and more rest ...I don't want just my babies to be healthy but I want the father of my babies to be healthy too. So when I worry for you ...don' t think that I am pestering ...but I genuinely worry for You as well as my babies."

Alec leaned forward and kissed Magnus with passion and soon there kiss got heated. Magnus started kissing Alec's neck and his hands were moving around Alecs swollen belly ...Magnus kissed Alec's jawlines ...his neck ...his shoulder...and simulteneously rubbing small circles on Alec's huge bulging belly ....when ...

" Something is burning ...." said Alec .

" What ...." said Magnus still between kisses and his moving hands ...

"The pan..... mmmm...the ...mmm ..pan i..mmm....bur....mmm...ningg....." said Alec when Magnus was drowning him with kisses on lips.

Magnus realized what Alec was saying and turned to see the black smoke coming out from the pan on the oven . He quickly snapped his fingers and soon the pan was on the washbasin full of water and the windows of the kitchen opened quickly for ventilating the smoke.

" Now anyway you have to conjure our breakfast" said Alec.

Both Alec and Magnus burst out laughing.


"My lord ..the prince is going for a cabinet meeting today and the filthy nephilim boy will be all alone."said Nicholas , the spy.

" Hmmmm ...after a long , long time ..Nicholas you brought me a good news. I am very happy. " said the Lord.

" My Lord ...can I make the audacity of saying something for making my lord's work easy " said Nicholas.

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