Chapter 17:The womb

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After the incident with Jace ,Alec could not concentrate more on his work. Alec was trying to finish the pending paperwork at least. After the glowing energy from his body snapped Jace's wrist , a strange lingering pain in his abdomen remained. This was the same strange feeling which he felt yesterday when the wine glasses were shattered to pieces.

Magnus was sitting on the opposite side of the table in Alec's office and was looking Alec from time to time.

Alec was fidgeting, changing his positions on his chair frequently, only to find a position comfortable enough to cope with the pain .His hands were working and signing the piled up papers on the desk.

Magnus :" Alexander ....what is it ? Are you not feeling well ? Please don't hide anything from me ....remember you promised . Also I need to know the effects of your immortality".

Alec kept his pen aside on the table . He took a sip of water from the glass on the table. With a deep sigh ...he said .." Magnus, whenever my body glows as you all have seen and told me , and the things that harm me shatters or snaps , I feel a strange pain in my lower abdomen. Yesterday it was there but it vanished after some time but today after Jace's wrist snapped , the pain has lingered and it is making me uncomfortable to even sit straight ."

Magnus: " Hmmmm....okay ...wind up things quickly . You should not take further stress .We are going home now . After that I will check your body thoroughly with my magic ."

Alec nodded and tried to finish the work at hand quickly.

After finishing the work at hand Alec stood up from his chair . He felt dizzy and regretted his decision . He took hold of the table . The pain in his belly was doing no good either.

Magnus ran towards Alec .

Magnus : " What is it Alexander ....are you feeling dizzy again ?"

Alec nodded and Magnus made Alec to sit on the chair again .

" That's it ....Alexander, you will not argue with me ....I am taking you home ..." said Magnus authoritatively.

Alec just nodded . He did not have energy to argue with Magnus.

After some time when Alec felt stable , Magnus portaled themselves to the loft telling Jace and Izzy to take care of the rest of the work in the institute.

As Alec and Magnus came out of the portal on the Loft ,Magnus made Alec to lie down on the couch .

Alec lay comfortably on the couch ,the pain in his belly was now a little better .

Magnus directed his magic from head to toe of Alec's body . It moved from the head , then to the chest , to the stomach , to the intestines and then to the lower abdomen and Magnus was snapped out of his concentration. Alec was also startled with Magnus' reaction and said " What is it Magnus ? Is everything alright with me ? "

Magnus did not reply. There were sweat droplets on Magnus' forehead and he wiped his lips with his palm.

Magnus looked at Alec with wide eyes and Alec was looking at Magnus with questioning eyes.
Magnus pulled out his phone from his pocket and immediately dialed Catarina's number.

Catarina picked up her phone after a few rings....

Cat: "Hey Magnus ...What's up ?"
Magnus: " Cat ...its Alec ...please come to my loft asap."

Alec is now getting scared with Magnus' reaction . Something was really serious with him . He was immortal , he could not die it can't be a serious disease...then what it could be ?

Cat came within seconds.

She saw Alec was lying on the sofa with his blue eyes wide open blinking and Magnus was pacing to and fro before him .

Cat: "What is it ? "

Magnus without any preface :" Check him"

Cat did as was asked .

Cat directed her blue magic towards Alec and started checking Alec's body from head to toe . This time ,the moment when Cat came near to Alec's abdomen his body glowed again and she was repulsed back with such a force that she slided on the floor along with the centre table towards to opposite wall . Magnus ran towards Cat ..and Alec got up from the couch feeling the sharp lingering pain in his abdomen. Yet he strided towards Cat but did not hold her.. just in case the power in his body would harm her again .

Magnus asked Cat if she was alright and Cat nodded while standing up as Magnus supported her . Cat looked at Magnus with wide eyes filled with shock and disbelief and could only utter ...." a.... a womb....a womb carrying a baby ".

To be continued ..........

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