Chapter 19: Chairman , my friend

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Magnus: " I am sorry ...."

Alec : " Its okay ...I know that you are stupid but I still love you and will always do . I mean ..we love you and will always do."

Magnus: " I can't believe that we are having a baby ...."

Alec: " Yes even I can't believe it either. "

Magnus and Alec were  now on bed cuddling each other . Alec was on his back and Magnus is caressing Alec's flat belly knowing that it will not remain flat any long .

Magnus' hand was swirled with red-yellow magic . Magnus could feel his Blueberry through the magic.

Alec: " Magnus .......I will have to tell my family about Blueberry. Jace, Izzy , Clary should know."

Magnus: " Hmm....that is quite an issue."

Alec : " Do you know ...from when exactly ...I would ...I would ..."

Magnus: " ...start to show? ..right."

Alec: " Yaah...."

Magnus: " After the first trimester ..definitely you can't hide any more then."

Alec: " Okay then ...we have time ."

Magnus : " I think we should wait a little. Blueberry is very very small now . Let Blueberry grow a little big . I would call Cat to do a sonography . We will get pictures .It would be easy to talk to your family when we will have valid proofs in our hands . For them you being a man and also being pregnant would not be accepted naturally . So we have to be careful while revealing about Blueberry so that they don't think that we are out of our minds."

Alec: " Izzy is the most easy going . She is so accepting that if I went to her and said that I have turned myself into a cat ...she would take few seconds to find whether I was serious or not , when she would convince herself that I was serious,she would first cuddle me and squeeze the life out of me .Then she would make a tinkering bell for my neck and tow me on her shoulders to go shopping for buying me small cat goodies and would also introduce me to everyone saying that I was Alec ,her favourite cat.....I know Izzy would love me anyway."

Magnus was laughing hard by this time.

Alec: " I don't know how Jace and Clary would react."

Magnus : " Don't worry ...they love you with their lives and they would accept you even if you were a cat...."

Alec smacked Magnus' shoulder and Magnus said  laughing "Ouch ..that hurts . You should be careful now are carrying a warlock having tremendous power ..your little smack can snap my shoulder. "

At this Alec fake pouted and playfully showed that he was offended . Magnus laughed on Alec's antics.

Alec:"On the note of a cat ...where is our Chairman ...I think it needs to be introduced to our Blueberry . "

Magnus snapped his fingers and Chairman somehow appeared on the bed . It was a little surprised with the sudden change in its surroundings as it started looking around .... dazed.

Magnus pressed a hand on Alec's belly and said" Blueberry meet Chairman ,our cat and your new friend".

A soothing radiation came out from Alec's belly that drifted gradually towards Chairman and the cat followed the magical swirls . It did not try to scream or yowl ...rather it wanted to touch that loving radiation. Chairman came towards Alec and rubbed its head and ears on Alec's belly ...exactly where Blueberry was growing. The magic took the cat into its enbrace. Blueberry accepted  Chairman . Alec could not be prouder of his Blueberry.

Alec: " Magnus I am in love with someone else."

Magnus :" Okay whose that unlucky man whose bones will be broken by the High Warlock of Brooklyn ,himself . Or I would say lucky , one does not get to be beaten by the Magnus Bane everyday."

Alec:" Well ....I don't know it is he or she ....or whether it has even bones at the moment or not and its right here".

Alec took  Magnus' hands and placed  it on his belly.

Magnus : " Oh ...then there would be a conflict in that case because I am also in love with the same person . "

Alec:" Oh god ...then it really is problem...instead of beating up that person we should beat each other and the winner gets his love."

Both Magnus and Alec looked at each other and bursted out laughing at their jokes.

Chairman continued to rub its head on Alec's belly revelling in the soothing and loving magic emanating from there.

To be continued.......

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