Chapter 10:Brother and Sister

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Hearing Alec's voice Jace , Isabelle and Clary could not stay in the living room any more . Alec's voice never sounded so musical to Clary's ears ever before. But now at the moment was sweeter than a flute .

Death carries its own significance.
It makes us understand that how important the person had been in our lives whom we might have taken granted someday.

For Jace , Izzy and Clary , Alec's death made them understand how much Alec meant to them and their family. He was more than just an older sibling . He was the binding force of their family.

The last twenty or so hours of Alec's apparent 'death' showed Clary ,Jace and Izzy an image of a reality which was bleak and dark without Alec.

Jace hurried towards the bedroom door and opened it, following truly the tradition of the Lightwood family of not knocking the door.

Just as a natural consequence he caught Alec and Magnus eating away their faces which enforced a change of skin colour from white to red on the blonde Herondale boy like a chamelion. He gasped and covered his eyes with his hands saying " Ahhh....the Angels save my eyes".

Magnus and Alec pulled away from the passionate kiss with a startle and looked at the door irritated.

"Jace ...I died and came back to life but you neither knocked the door in my previous birth nor in this birth . You are as constant as the small 'g' in the equation of Gravity. " said Alec with a grumpy voice.

Jace and Magnus both looked at Alec almost together . "What did you just say ? " said Magnus and Jace in chorus .

" Nothing much I was reading some mundane science books recently which I borrowed from Clary ...just leave it " said Alec brushing his hands in the air.

Jace entered the room followed by Clary , Isabelle and Catarina who were laughing at Jace . Isabelle was relieved to see Alec in such a glorious mood and ran past everyone to grab Alec away from Magnus (who was by this time lightly holding Alec's elbows ) and hugged him as tight as the grip of an anaconda on its preys.

" If you died again Alec I swear I would make you alive only to kill you again " said Isabelle to an Alec who was holding his breath for the last ten seconds in Isabelle's tight grip.

" If you don't leave me right now ..I am sure I am going to die again but this time from asphixia for a change." said Alec still holding his breath.

Isabelle left Alec with a small "sorry" and a big grin on her face . Alec released the breath which he was holding for so long ,credits to his sister.

Jace and Clary then hugged Alec together.

"Your parabati rune reappered ? " said Alec pointing towards Jace .

"Yes it did when you started breathing again. " said Jace.
"But what was that pain which you felt then ? " asked Jace.

" Yes the pain that was unbearable . I felt as if my belly was being stabbed again and again and I could not breath in between" said Alec looking at Magnus .

" My father was chanting ancient demonic verses and applying his powerful magic all over you . Probably it was a part of making you immortal ."said Magnus thoughtfully.

"Wait ...what ...Alec is now immortal ??" asked Jace shocked.
There were same shocked reactions from everyone present .

Magnus in a low shaky voice said "Yes ...My father gave Immortality as a gift to his son-in-law ."

"And what did you have to pay for that "gift" " asked Clary with teasing tone.

Magnus said " Nothing ....this time it came free. My father said that whatever he is doing is for our family ...and he wants nothing in return at least for now."

Clary still with a doubtful tone " Okay ...if you say so ..."

"Oh ...all of you stop being so morbid ...its a happy moment and Alec and Magnus is now going to spend an eternity with each other so we must leave them for today to celebrate their immortality. " said Isabelle winking at Magnus .

Magnus chuckled .

Then she kissed Alec on his forehead and Magnus on his cheeks and started moving towards the bedroom door saying " I am tired and need a good night's sleep " clutching Jace's and Clary's wrist and dragging them out of the bedroom to make a portal to the institute and leaving the shadowhunter and the warlock to revel in their miraculous moment.

To be continued......

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