Chapter 3: The Attack

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Alexander in his authoritative tone while entering through the institute's door : " What is the emergency ...Andrew?".

Andrew in a voice of reporting : " Mr Lightwood-Bane sir , there is a demon attack near the Central Park and it is very serious keeping the facts that 100 died within minutes including shadowhunters,vampires , warlocks, mundanes alike . We sent a team of twenty before but only 10 returned of them ,Sir. Five of them were dead within minutes . By the situation , it seems that a Greater Demon from the Hell got lose , Sir."

Alec absorbing the information in a thoughtful voice : " Okay ...where is Jace ? "

Andrew : " Sir, Mr. And Mrs. Herondale ( Jace and Clary ..yes they are married) and Ms.Lightwood are in the ops centre waiting for you ."

Alec : " Okay ..thank you, Andrew".

Andrew : " At your service , Sir."

Alec raced to the ops centre and found a very worried Jace , Clary, Isabelle , all in demon-hunting gear.

Jace : " You are here ... we are going for the demon hunting and we need you .You are our best archer and in front of a Greater Demon ,it would be best to aim from a distance instead of going too much to front."

Isabelle in a restless voice : " Jace ...we are not taking the Head of the Institute with us ..there are other good archers we have in our team...we can take them to the mission ."

Alec : " Its okay Izzy ...Even the Head of the Institute can go to the demon hunting when the situation is so serious and we are suspecting a Greater Demon... Also Jace and me are Parabati ...together we are much stronger and unstoppable.I will come with you ...just give me two minutes to be in my gear."

Alec went to the rest-room to get changed.

Clary was silently observing Isabelle and through their Parabati bond she could feel that Isabelle is not happy with Alec going to the mission.

Clary putting a hand on Isabelle's shoulder : " Izzy ..what is it? ..You look so tensed and worried . We have fought greater demon before ..and you are the one who was the most badass among us .."

Izzy : " I don't know Clary you believe in premonition ..where you get a feeling before if something bad is going to happen in the future."

Clary : " Well ...I have not felt it before I always thought that since we are shadowhunters so there is always this fateful axe hanging on our head ...but I believe you it about Alec are getting these feelings ?"

Izzy : " Yes , Clary ...for the last few days I am getting this feelings that something bad... really bad is going to happen and it will involve my big brother .Clary ...I love hin so much. ..but I cannot say about my fears to him ..he would not believe me .That's why I stopped him from going to missions for the last two days telling him that he is the Head of the Institute and should not go in every small demon hunting expedition , when he has other teams at his disposal to do the same work ...but now I cannot stop him anymore ..this is a serious attack ...including a Greater Demon and head should go ..."

Clary :" Don't worry Izzy ...sometimes we tend to worry too much about the people whom we love . Your worry for Alec is natural as he is not just you Big Brother ...he is much more than that ...I think you look up to him as your best friend and guardian . Also you should not forget that he is one of the best shadowhunters that Clave has and also he is the best living archer now ...and of course he is the Head of the New York institute for some reason ."

Izzy hugged Clary and said with a smile " I never thougt that I will get a parabati like you....thank you Clary ...i think you are right."

Alec appeared in his gear ...

Alec : " Okay Guys ...let's go ...we are lightwoods we break noses and accept the consequences."

Jace , Clary ,Izzy , Alec all started for the mission.

#thank u for taking out your precious time and reading this#

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