Chapter 5: Breaking Magnus

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Magnus was tired as he just finished with the appoinment with his last client for the morning .

He went to the his portable home bar took out a small glass of wine to re-energise himself.
For some reason he was really missing Alec today . Its not that the other days he doesn't miss Alec but today the urge to hold Alec ,hug Alec ,kiss Alec was more. It was only few hours that his shadowhunter went to the institute that he started missing Alec.

Now as Alec has given the permission to him to work for making him immortal , so he went into his library with red-wine glass in his hands and sat comfortably on his reading chair studying the ancient spell book to make his sweet angel immortal . This way he thought he could  fight the sudden unreasonable urge to hold Alec in his arms.

On his reading table Magnus keeps a photograph. This beautiful photograph gives him motivation when he is down, gives him solace when he is grieved,keeps him company when he alone and consoles him when he misses his love. That was a photograph of his Alexander on his twenty-third birthday. Alexander was grinning ear to ear and looking more adorable than a chubby  three year old. Though he was wearing the same cloth which he wears daily as the party was a surprise and Magnus could not make him dress-up well otherwise the surprise would have to be breached earning Magnus-- "Queen Isabelle's wrath" which Magnus would always love to avoid.

The photograph has a pair of lips on Alexander's cheeks where the person with the possesion of those lips got truncated in the process of editing . The lips were so deeply smashed on Alec's cheeks that removing those lips would result into scooping out Alec's cheeks itself in the editing process so the wisest decision would be to leave those lips there where they were.
The possesion of those lips lay with the Queen Izzy Lightwood herself who was  his Alexander's  dearest , sweetest little as well as big sister (depending on the demand of the situation) , his best friend with whom he could share everything , and who could become as protective as a mother lioness towards her cubs if somebody tried to mess up with his precious Big Brother.

Magnus took up the photo in his hands and was smiling remembering that day ...suddenly he felt a sharp pain  starting through his heart and ending at his left arm . The pain came with a sudden jerk ..and loosened his grip on the glass photoframe which in a matter of second went straight down to the floor and shattered into pieces from the impact. The pieces of broken glass were everywhere . As another sudden jolt of  pain struck Magnus from his stomach area , the wine glass at the edge of the table fell  too over Alexander's now unframed photograph .Magnus looked down at the mess . Alexander's photo was now covered in broken pieces of glass and red wine that were  gradually seeping through the whole of the photo .

Magnus is not superstitious but looking at the red wine creeping gradually like blood over the photo of Alec his heart lurch .He felt nauseatic. He snapped his fingers clearing the mess quickly.

Magnus felt no pain now . He was surprized of  this sudden appearence of unreasonable symptoms in his body .
He thought may  be because of stress his body  was showing him signals to get some rest . He made a point to take Alexander to  dinner at some posh restaurant that night when he will return from the institute . That would be a way of stress bursters of both of the couple.

Enough of work now .Magnus stood up from the chair and was heading towards the kitchen to grab some coffee . The caffiene may cure his stress . He went though lobby into the kitchen .Now his heart was racing and he felt a pang in his heart as if a part of his heart is ripping away . Magnus grabbed the coffee cup from the kitchen counter soon another sharp pain hit his lower abdomen . He could not stand steady .He held the kitchen counter with all the power he had to keep himself steady . And the pain vanished leaving his heart racing and his head throbbing .

Magnus slowly made his way to the sofa where he sat himself down .He closed his eyes and leaned his head back in the high-back of the sofa . He was trying to relax but now he was feeling an emptiness in his heart . His soul felt grieved and sad. He felt a sudden urge to cry.

Magnus opened his eyes . He took his phone from the glass top of the centre table and looked into its lit screen . The last message came this morning that too from Alexander . The message reads ...

Alexander: Going for a mission ..will meet you soon .Take care .Miss you  a lot .

Watching at the glass screen Magnus felt shaky . His hands were trembling .He could not control his racing heart.

He held the armrest of the sofa tightly for support. Magnus talked to himself  : "I hope Alexander is alright".

Magnus was breathing fast and heavily as he could not control the empty feeling in his heart when the eerie- uncomfrtable silence of the loft was teared by the ringing of Magnus' landline phone.

Magnus welcomed the distraction . He went close to phone to the opposite side of the  sofa  and picked the phone up .

Magnus trying to suppress his shaky voice : " Hello... Lightwood-Bane's residence .. Magnus Bane-Lightwood speaking . How may I help you ? "

From the other side of the phone in teary grief-stricken voice  :" Magnus ...its Clary .....please come to the Institute asap ......its ....its ...Alec ...." and  Magnus could not tell whether Clary hung the phone or the phone fell from her hand .

Magnus quickly grabbed his pocket phone and made a portal to the institute or may be a portal  to his fate which is waiting with a dark reality  at the institute.

To be continued.....

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