Chapter 27:Alec in Edom

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Alec opened his eyes in a room lit with candles and fire-torches. Also there were lights which were glowing because of magic.

He found him on a bed . The bed was very old... probably of centuries .

He rolled slowly to the back of the bed . He touched his belly and sighed in relief ....the babies were alright...

He could not understand where he was.

He looked around and could not find anything familiar.Then he remembered his last memory ......


Was he in Edom ...
Asmodeus brought him here....
What did he want....

All these thoughts were moving in Alec's mind.

'Is there anyone ?" shouted Alec .

No reply ...

Alec was thirsty and hungry ....

If it was for him he knew how to survive five days without eating ...but he was not alone ....he was carrying two babies ....he had to eat and drink for their survival.

" there anyone?" shouted Alec again.

" Oh the filthy shadowhunter is up ..."

A voice came from outside the door.

The voice was not of Asmodeus.

"Who are you " said Alec.

" Well might know me or may not ....I am Nicholas ...Nicholas Martini" said the voice.

Nicholas Martini ,the name was familiar to Alec . He had heard that name before but where.....

"Here are some food for you ...not for you because My Lord does not care about you ...he cares about the baby you are carrying. The baby is precious to My lord...." said Nicholas.

"Who is your lord..." asked Alec.

" Oh you know My Lord ....I cannot take his name ...but he is Prince Magnus' father ..." said Nicholas .

"Asmodeus" said Alec enquiring.

" Shut up you flithy Nephilim ...don' t take My lord's name on your rotten tongue." said Nicholas.

" What does he want from my babies.....i mean baby" said Alec wisely .

"Well you see filthy creature is actually blessed by my lord to carry the Baby who has the combined powers of My lord and Prince Magnus. My lord wants to rule on the whole of lower dimension ..for centuries he had asked the prince to come with him and rule the Edom but the prince never listened to My Lord. But now My Lord has the Great Power in your womb. He wants your baby as soon as he is born."

"Take this food ...The Great Power needs energy ....very soon He is going to come " said Nicholas .

A plate full of raw flesh and a glass of some thick red liquid was moved towards Alec .

By mere looking at it ...Alec gagged.

" What is this? I cannot eat this" said Alec.

" My lord says that the Great Power is a powerful demonic force . He will gain more and more strength from raw flesh and fresh nephilim blood." Said Nicholas as he put the plate and the glass on the nightstand.

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