Chapter 12 : I want you

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After Catarina left ...the loft was all for Alec and Magnus.
Magnus said " What do you want to do now ...Alexander?  Watch a movie or call it a night? "

" I want to watch a movie and cuddle with you " said Alexander innocently fluttering his long eye-lashes .

"Watching movies and cuddling... good choice ..." said Magnus smirking.

Magnus then started one of his favourite movie directed by his friend and went to sit beside Alec with blankets ...he took Alec in his embrace and Alec put his head on his shoulder. Magnus covered both of them in blanket for the extra warmth . Magnus said " This is a movie directed by one of my old friend...."

" Yes is  directed  by Brac Loren with his assistant James Conrad . This movie was Conrad's second movie and he got his first award for best Assistant Director for this movie. This film has  Christ Caroll as the male protagonist though Joseph Franklin was signed first but he could not continue . The heroine was Alexandra Jonas and this was her debut film .She even got the best Debut-actress award for this movie." said Alexander while still with his head leaned on Magnus' shoulder.

Magnus was shocked to say the least and added this to the list of things that he found to be out of place in Alexander after the 'resurrection'. He also made a mental note that he had to say all these to Cat  tomorrow morning.

After some time when the movie was half way through, Alec started to kiss Magnus' neck and jawline. Magnus was distracted . When Alexander started to deepen the kisses and leave visible marks on his neck and chest he understood that the movie should be stopped for the good .  Snapping his fingers Magnus switched the Television off.  He carried Alexander to the bed who was still kissing Magnus with all the passion he had . They gracefully landed on the bed . Alec on top of Magnus . Soon their playful kisses were heated and both of their pants felt tight .Magnus with a snap of  fingers got themselves rid of their clothes . Alexander in deep whisper said "Magnus ....I want to feel you tonight inside me way of showing gratitude for making me immortal and chosing to be with me forever. "

Magnus smiled and changed position to be on top of Alec now .

With passing time the night was engulfed in darkness and so are the two love-birds in their pleasureful activities .

That night Alexander's desire to feel Magnus inside him was fulfilled Alec's desires were decrees for Magnus.

To be continued..... ....

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