Chapter 16: The Incident with Jace

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Magnus was stroking Alec's hair gently as Alec was lying on Magnus' chest in their cosy bedroom, on the golden silk sheets and under the dark maroon velvet blankets .

This was their moment . The moment that would not be interrupted by anyone. Magnus was humming a tune--an ancient Indonesian lullaby . Alec was listening to his warlock's beautiful voice with his eyes closed.

Suddenly Alec asked " Where is Chairman? "

Magnus opened his eyes and looked around the room ...and in the head rest of the bed . Chairman was not there. 

Magnus still stroking Alec's hair said " The High Warlock is cuddling you now ...and you still want that cat?"

Alec snuggled more into Magnus and said " I like when it sleeps on my pillow towards my head . It keep my head warm . "

Magnus kissed Alec's head and gave a call  "Chairman".

Soon the padding sound of four little paws could be heard on the wooden floor of their bedroom.  Within a second or two, Chairman jumped on the bed and was about to move to Magnus and Alec, Alec made grabby hands towards it and then...

yowled the cat at Alec and ran for its dear life to God knows where.

Alec was stunned .

Alec: " What was that ????"

Magnus was speechless . Magnus' suspicion about the cat was now true. The cat had seen something strange in Alec which was why everytime it was protecting itself from 'Alec'.

Magnus pulled Alec towards him and made his head to rest on his chest and said, " Its nothing . Chairman is a moody cat . It must have gone doing something which is much more important than us. You must sleep now and get some rest."

Magnus started humming the tune again and moved his fingers gently through Alec's soft hair.

Alec soon drifted off to deep sleep .......oblivion to the changes that are taking place within him.

Next morning....

"Good morning " said Alec in hoarse sleepy voice .

" Good morning to you too...Husband" said Magnus humorously.

As Magnus was completing the sentence ....Alec gagged his mouth pulled himself out of Magnus' embrace ,pushed away the covers , ran straight to the bathroom and started emptying his gut out on the toilet bowl . The repetation of all the things happening to him from the day before.

Magnus while moving towards Alec to the bathroom whispered to himself " Morning sickness".

He sat beside Alec on the floor rubbing his back .

This time Alec could stand up on his own , flush the toilet himself and said to Magnus " I will shower now. Need to go to the institute . The Head should not be absent for so many days. Duty is calling ...Husband."

Magnus nodded and said " I will make a quick breakfast .  Join me at the table".

Both the couple did not prefer to talk about the strange symptoms in Alec's body .

While showering Alec started to think. The vomitings were not just from a regular upset stomach , as when he retched he felt a pressure building up in his lower belly, occassionally combined with a sharp pain that does not linger and vanishes of it's own.  The dizziness and blackouts which he felt were adding up to the gravity of the situation.
It must be  something to do with the immortality. May be this was the way of his body to cope with the sudden change with the Boon of Immortality.

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