Chapter 13 : The symptoms part 1

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Alec woke up to an empty bed and smell of coffee in the air . He closed his eyes and felt the domestic warmth of his house. After all that happened yesterday, this domesticity brought him solace. The air in his loft reminds him of Magnus . Then he remembered the last night . He reveled again in the satisfaction and pleasure he had when he felt Magnus inside him.

Before this he always thought that it was right to give Magnus the pleasure in their "night-time activities" but last night he felt the sudden urge to have the pleasure.

The feeling of Magnus cumming inside him made him feel complete. Alec rubbed his lower abdomen as if he could feel Magnus' seeds inside him . He smiled and gently caressed his belly as he was reminiscing the pleasure of last night again.

" Breakfast is ready Mr Lightwood-Bane, would you like to have it here or at dinning table?" said Magnus snapping Alec out off his reverie.

"Yah give me five minutes , I will freshen up and come to the dinning table." Said Alec and went to the bathroom grabbing his towel.

After taking a quick shower , Alec came to the table where breakfast was served hot . Alec sat on the table and grabbed the coffee first .He took a sip when Alec's phone rang and it was a message from Izzy .

Izzy: Hey Alec can take today off and take rest .The institute can be run one day without the Head.

Alec smiled at the text .

Magnus was calmly observing Alec. As Alec was smiling Magnus asked about the message.

Alec showed him the message .Magnus said "She is correct. Take today off Alexander. You can have rest and we will have the day for ourselves ."

Alec thought for some time and said "Okay you say".

As he was about to stand up to go to the kitchen to wash his empty dishes he felt a black-out before his eyes for few seconds.

He held the chair to support himself .When he felt steady and stable he moved towards the kitchen counter to wash the dishes.

Magnus observed these silently that how for a few seconds Alec closed his eyes and held the back of the chair to support himself.

Magnus slowly went to Alec who was now doing the dishes and touched his shoulder gently . " Are you alright ? " said Magnus .

" Yah... I am good." said Alec.

Taking a pause of few seconds Magnus said , "Alexander...promise that you will not hide anything from me. You remember we are no more boyfriends ...we are I now kind of have a right to know what's going on with you . I hope... you will not deprive me of that right."

Alec kissed Magnus on lips and said " I promise and I can never forget that you are my husband and of course you have a right to know which I will never deprive you .....and all these apply to you as well Mr. Bane-Lightwood."

Magnus smiled and leaned on Alec's shoulder as Alec was drying his hands on the towel after doing the dishes with exceptional speed that of course Magnus observed.

The scent of Magnus' sandalwood shampoo which was so dear to Alec , all of a sudden made Alec nauseatic. He wanted to throw up . He tried to suppress the feeling but miserably failed . He gagged his mouth with one hand and moved Magnus with the other and ran towards the bathroom . All these happened so fast that Magnus could not understand what happened exactly.

The blurry situation became a little clear when Magnus could hear the retchings of Alexander from the bathroom . Magnus ran towards the bathroom ,opened the door which was kept ajar as Alec did not have time to close the door. Magnus saw Alec was emptying his gut out on the toilet bowl . Magnus sat beside Alec and drew soothing circles on Alec's back.

Though Alec surely emptied everything he had for breakfast even the last drop of coffee yet he was still dry heaving . When Alec thought that it was enough, he tried to stand up but again felt the sudden blackout for some seconds .This time he clutched Magnus tightly without finding any support. Magnus was flushing the toilet when he felt a sudden pressure on his back . He turned and saw Alec was holding him for support. Magnus gripped Alec tightly and sat him on the closed toilet seat . He started to caress Alec's head and kneeled beside him on the floor. "Feeling better ...?" Magnus asked gently to Alec who was breathing heavily from all the vomiting and blackout. He sat their till his breathings were even again . " Now I am feeling good. " said Alec slowly.

He stood up. Magnus stood beside him if in case Alec would require him for support . Alec went to wash basin brushed his teeth and washed his face then told Magnus to go inside the room .

Magnus took Alexander by his shoulder and made him walk towards the bed and sat him there.

Alec looked at Magnus' questioning eyes and said " Nothing to worry Magnus ,I just had an upset stomach and dizzy head ...that's it . It will go away ."

Magnus nodded and said "Do you want to lie down for some time ?"

Alec nodded his head and with Magnus' support he lay on the bed . Magnus pulled the blankets on Alec's body and kissed Alec's forehead as he was gradually drifting off to sleep.

Magnus closed the blinds to stop the interfering sunlight and silently went out towards the living room.

Magnus could not stop himself to take note of a thing that shadowhunters don't fall ill especially don't get an upset stomach . Though he did not say that to Alec but he texted to Catarina about Alec's sudden ouburst of movie information last night and the recent case of stomach upset both of which were very much not Alexander type.

Cat texted back : Okay points noted,don't jump onto conclusions and keep on observing.

Magnus sat on the couch with a glass of wine to relax and while thinking about the things which were unfolding... he gradually drifted off to sleep....with the lines running in a loop in his mind ....

" Take good care of my other boy, Magnus ...after his immortality he is now as precious to me as you are . The immortality is not the only miracle that has happened to him ...there are many miracles coming his way ."

To be continued.........

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