Chapter 25:Alexander ....where are you?

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"Alexander....I am home...." said Magnus entering the loft.

" The meeting was useless...half of the members did not turn was only me...and the High Warlock of Madrid, the High Warlock of Paris ...and some representatives from the seelie court. No representatives from the Nightchildren ...yet Miaa was there as representative of The Children of Moon. She was actually asking about you " said Magnus while summoning two beverages- a cup of coffee for him and a glass of strawberry smoothie for Alexander and was walking through the lobby looking for Alexander.

Carrying the two glasses in his hands the High Warlock came towards the kitchen ...thinking Alec must be there.

"Alexander....where are you ...?" said Magnus when he did not see Alec in the kitchen .

"He must be taking rest...." thought the Warlock and went towards the bedroom. He opened the bedroom door and saw the bed was neatly made.

"Then...Alexander must be in the house-office ....working his ass out ...and killing my little angels along with himself. "...thought Magnus ....this time a little irritated as he cares for Alexander.

Magnus strided towards the office and entered the door . He felt something strange about the place. He looked around and no Alexander could be found there as well.

Magnus sighed and thought ...." Where does this man go at his condition .....he doesn't understand that he should stay at home and take rest ...its already eight months running ..." and Magnus pulled out his phone . He dialed Alec's number..." Alexander
...if I found out that you went out for a mission with that moron blondie ...I swear ..I would kill that Jace locking him up in a cage with ducks...." mumbled Magnus .

Alexander's phone was ringing and Magnus could hear the sound ...the sound of ringing was not only coming from the phone inside but it was coming from outside as well.

Magnus moved around only to see Alec's phone was lying near the window. He cancelled the call and ran towards the phone .

He picked the phone up and also saw a ring that had a 'B' etched on the top and "U'r mine forever" etched around the ring--Alec's marriage ring which Magnus gave him on their big day .

Magnus picked the ring up along with the phone . He looked around to see the table...few papers were still open ...out of the three papers which were on the desk ...the first two had Alec's signature but the last had only half of the signature ...Alec left the work in between . There was seraph blade on the edge of the table..."Did Alec doubted the presence of someone unknown and braced himself with the weapon ?" Thought Magnus.

Magnus quickly glanced at the call history of Alec's phone ..the last call was done to Magnus . Magnus saw his phone ...yes there was a missed call from Alec but since his phone was silent in the meeting room ..he did not know that the call come . But Alec knew that he was in the meeting ...then why was he calling him instead of leaving a message ...He normally texts Magnus ....calls only if it was urgent this was urgent as well. Was Alec mad at Magnus ? Why had he left the marriage ring on floor....

Half finished work on the table...seraph blade out ...presence of some strange energy ....Alec's phone and the ring on the floor.....

This all pointed that someone gave a visit which Alec was not expecting while he was finishing his work ...

So who was that someone ....

Magnus observed the room ..tried to sense the energy ...the presence of the energy was mostly felt near the chair and towards the window.

Magnus closed his eyes and tried to track the energy ....he concentrated more and more....first he saw desert with fire balls raining on the ground...demonic atmosphere...smoke coming out from ponds...barren lands......Edom....a powerful energy source from Edom...a powerful familiar energy source from Edom ...a powerful, unique ,familiar energy source
from Edom......the prince of Edom...the most powerful prince of Hell.....Asmodeus.

He snapped out of his contemplation with a jerk. Asmodeus came to visit Alec.

He then took  Alec's marriage ring and saw what was the last memory signature of the ring .

Magnus closed his eyes and concentrated hard ....
He saw through Alec's eyes...

"So how are you doing boy ...I see are carrying a bundle of joy Congratulations".......

" Call me Asmodeus...or I would prefer if you called me..... Father Magnus does ....You are a dear boy to me... as precious as Magnus " .

"Asmodeus ...I mean ...Father...I never got the opportunity to thank you ...for my immortality and then also for this small boon you gave us and Magnus . I am thankful to you Father."

"Yah ....sure call him ...I would love to meet him"

Then Magnus felt Alec moving towards the window with phone he was calling ...there was jolt of sudden magic  from his back ,the phone fell from Alec's hand along with the marriage ring and everything went black.

Magnus opened his eyes and said " Oh God...."

Asmodeus kidnapped Alec. Realization dawned on Magnus ...but why ....

Then Magnus remembered.....

"Only.. I want  you to do the same sacrifice  when your family that includes me as well, would require something from you ...tell me you will  be compassionate and caring towards your father when he would require a favour from you ..."(see chapter 8..if you don't remember this dialogue😁)

"You are my son-in-law and owe your immotality to me .Hope you will be able to ackowledge your gratitude towards me when the time will come ."( see chaptet 8 again..😃😃)

Asmodeus offered to make Alec immortal the process he gave Alec a womb which he did not even mention to Magnus ..then he came suddenly to Magnus' loft when Magnus was not there and put up a friendly face before Alec and kidnapped him ...

For...what exactly....for ...for....the babies......

Magnus held the chair and sat on it .Those were too much realization for him . His knees gave-in and could not hold the  weight of his body. His Alexander was with the powerful prince of Hell who just played a game with Magnus' compulsion. Alexander's condition would make him vulnerable in front of Asmodeus.Also Asmodeus wanted the babies ....he wanted those  powerful babies...the combined power of Magnus and Asmodeus (as he gave the womb)...Asmodeus must be planning this from the time Magnus went for Asmodeus' help to bring Alec back ....

"Oh Alexander.....I am so sorry....Blueberry ...Sweatpea.... Papa is sorry....I should have understood the game of Asmodeus .I was so stupid to think that Asmodeus has changed...." whispered Magnus while tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"But don't worry ....if this had happened for the stupidity of your Papa...this will be fixed by your Papa himself.....hang in there Alexander I am coming ....." said Magnus wiping the tears from his face and pulling the phone out of his pocket with determination.

To be continued.........

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