Chapter 23:Its TWO

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"Yes My Lord ...I have seen him with my own eyes. That shadowhunter was with the Prince.

When all of them were trapped in by Agramon and Abbadon ...a fierce light emanated from the shadowhunter and blasted the demons just in seconds. But that boy clutched his stomach ,screamed and passed out.

The lord: "So the great power is here. I want this power. This power is stronger than any force combined in this world. No nephilim ,no downworlder,no mundane can stand before it . I want to be the master of that power."

Very soon I will have it .......


Five months into pregnancy....

Alec took the coffee from the kitchen counter and waddled through the space to sit on the couch. He clutched his swollen belly ...and struggled to sit.
He kept the cup on the centre table, took balance on one hand on the armrest and slowly sat on the couch . That was a constant struggle. His swollen belly was restricting his free movements ...even for simple works he needed assistance. Magnus was always by his side. He might get annoyed with himself but his husband had never got annoyed with him.

Alec took a sip of the hot coffee and caressed his belly.

"How are my two loves doing....?" asked Magnus who came with a cup of tea to the living room .

He sat beside Alec and kissed him .

Then he leaned and kissed Alec's swollen belly. Alec bent and kissed Magnus' head .

"Magnus ...I want to see my baby ...please call Catarina" said Alec.

"Even I wanted to see my baby too...listen to its little heart beats...Also you know that your desires are my decrees",said Magnus still caressing Alec's swollen belly.

That afternoon Catarina came to the loft . The task was to show Alec their baby and also to find out its gender.

Catarina snapped her fingers and a screen appeared before everyone . The screen was black with no picture. Catarina directed Alec to lie down on the couch. Alec had to do great struggle for lying on the couch comfortably because of his hugely swollen belly. Catarina looked at Alec and smiled.

"Great now you are smiling on my struggles?" said Alec fake pouting.

"No ...I am not smiling at your struggles ...but I am smiling because I am guessing something ..." said Catarina again smiling .

"What are you guessing ...?" said Alec a little confused.

Catarina looked at Magnus . Alec just followed Catarina's gaze .

Then something dawned on Magnus...and he said .." Oh don't mean that do you?"

Catarina smiled again ..."I think so ...we will see it now."

Alec couldn't suppress his doubt any more ..." What is it ....what is it? " said Alec eagerly.

"Its that you are too big for your month count that means that at five months you were looking like you are seven months pregnant ...this could happen only when...." said Catarina bringing in a dramatic pause in her suggestions.

Magnus lifted up Alec's shirt and his rune drawn belly was in display . It was huge with a shade of pink on the usually pale skin.

"Lets see if what I was guessing was correct or not ..." said Cat and directed her blue magic on Alec's stomach . The magic felt cold on Alec. Soon the black screen of the monitor showed a blurry image . The image gradually started to take legible shape.

A picture of a baby was not a baby ...the picture had two babies ...they were cuddling each other in foetal position.

Cat finished her incomplete words.

Cat: "When one is carrying two babies...".

Magnus smiled . A solitary tear drop made its way from his eyes to his cheeks....

Catarina moved her hand a little and daclared" Okay ...Alec you have got two healthy baby .....boys .
And I can sense angelic power as well which is different than yours. That means your babies have both angelic and demonic powers . They are not completely demonic . They are special Alec ...they have inherited both your angel blood and Magnus' warlock blood. That is why they can survive inside your body who has pure angel blood.

Alec gasped and clutched his stomach and asked " Why did you not tell me ...that you have a brother ....Blueberry ?"

At that moment Alec felt a first ever kick .

" Whoao.... that was really hard... by the Angel....Gosh...."

Magnus who saw the kick on the monitor squeeked and put his hands on Alec's belly ....and as if to make their presence felt ...the other baby kicked at a tandem. This time Magnus could feel it as well...

" both of you stop kicking" screamed Alec .

Magnus gasped when he felt the first kicks of his sons. It was a marvellous experience.

Magnus crashed his lips with Alec and soon they started kissing each other slowly and lovingly .

Catarina smiled at them and saw the red and yellow magic radiations were ensnarling around the couple, coming out from Alec's belly.

She cleared her throat and the couple composed themselves from their brief moment. She said " Probably the kick was on both of your stupidity."

Both Alec and Magnus looked at each other. Cat continued "There were two different coloured magic . And of all the people Magnus should know that Magic is unique so is its colours. There were red and yellow magics so there were two unique magic and two unique individuals ... so they kicked you as their idiot of parents did not get such a simple thing ."

Magnus looked at Cat and Alec with sorry eyes . Alec chuckled at his husband's antics.

"So what are you naming the other one...."said Cat.

Magnus looked at Alec and said "Sweetpea".

Alec smiled and caressed his belly and said ...

" Blueberry and Sweatpea".

On this cue ....Alec felt two kicks together....." By the Angel....not again...."

Magnus laughed and kissed Alec's belly .

Catarina smiled at them lovingly.

To be continued...........

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