💫 003 🦋

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Karla: ummm. Yeah. For sure

Robert: k. Let's go

I got up from the floor and pick up my phone and me and Robert went downstairs

When we got downstairs I saw 4 boys sitting in the couch. And when they noticed me they got up. Me and robert went were they were and stand in front of them

Robert: okay guys this is karla, this is the girl that I been talking about that she was going to be a exchange student
From Dallas Texas and the one that you guy's help me to decorate her room

Robert turned to look at me and said

Robert: karla this is Alejandro, Kairi, Alvaro and Mattia

He said while pointing at them and when he said there name they waved to me

Karla: hi nice to meet you guys my name is karla

The boys: hey karla

We all seated down in the couch and  I seated next to robert

Alvaro: are you Hispanic or something cause you're name sounds Hispanic ?

Karla: yeah I'm mexican. Were are you guys from?

Alvaro: I'm peruano

Mattia: I'm Mexican and Italian

Kairi: I'm Japanese

Alejandro: I'm costa Rican

Robert: I'm Arabic

Then we kept on talking getting to know each other more .they were pretty easy to get along with and they were so funny and cute ngl

Robert: did you guys know that she sings

Karla: Robert!!!

Robert: what!! is true. And she is a very good one

Alvaro: really let me hear a song  pls. Porfavor karlita

The boys: plssss

K: fine I'm going to show you guys one that I did a couple of days ago but I haven't posted it yet. Soooooo you guys are going to be the first ones to hear it

Mattia: you only speaking fax no printer

I nodded

Kairi: wow you really a good singer

Karla: awe thanks

Alejandro: so you're not going  trust us cause that's what you singing ?

Karla : I will if you guys don't gave me reason to not trust in you guys

Alejandro: oh okay

Alvaro: I feel special

Karla: hahahah why?

Alvaro: cause  we were the first ones to hear this rap. That is fire by the way

Karla: true. True and thx


obert: and what do you mostly sing  about?

K: ummm like sometimes I sing  things that happen to me or thing's that people have experienced

The boys: ohhh

Hey luvsss

So what do you guys want to happen next? Comment your response

Talk to you guys in the next chapter 💋

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