💫 040 🦋

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I turned around and saw Alejandro, kairi and  Alvaro and they just came to me and hug me at first I was confused but then I hugged them back and than we pull out of the hug

Alejandro: that was really good

Kairi: my bestie is so fucking talented damn

Alvaro: I can't wait for next week so I can hear the rest of the song

Karla: stop you guys gonna make me fucking cry and I don't want that shit

Then the 3 of them just looked at the floor then back up to me

Kairi: I'm sorry about mattia i-

Karla: it's okay guys, you guys didn't do shit

Alejandro: but she is going to come to new Jersey for valentine's day

Karla: it's alright you guys have the rights to hang with other people maybe I'm going back to Texas so don't worry

Alvaro: what?

Karla: not forever just to be there for valentine's day

Kairi: okay so.we good?

Karla: obviously

Alejandro: oh and we were thinking about today that we come back we should have a sleep over

Karla: I'm down

Kairi: see you later then

Alvaro: see other day karla

Karla: bye Alvaro

Skip when you're leaving social bash

I just finished putting my stuff in my luggage so I closed it and put it in the floor and I look at the others

Karla: 🥺I don't want to leave you guys

Jocelyn: 🥺I don't either

I went to hug her then pulled out and went to hug malcom and he hugged back and then Quinton ans he hugged me back until the door of the room opened and we saw Kairi

Kairi: hey um sorry for interrupting but karla we have to go

Karla: I'll be there in a sec

Then he left and I finished saying goodbye and then I got my luggage and headed to the lobby

Skip to when you were in new Jersey

We just got out of the plane it was 9:00pm and I was so fucking tired that I wanted to go to sleep already.  We called a uber and we headed to Kairis house the airplane and uber drive I didn't talk to mattia just to the other boys then when we got to kairis house we saw Robert's car in the driveway and him getting out of his car  so I run out of the uber with my luggage and went to him and hug him I really did miss him

Karla: I missed you

Robert: I missed you too the house was so quiet with out you in there

Karla: asshole I was going to say something but now I ain't saying shit

Robert: what is it?

Karla: that I missed you because if you went to social bash you would've tell me  what to do with all of this that happened there

Robert: I know we talked through the phone about remember.....just stay strong

Karla: okay

Then the boys came and we went inside kairis mom and sister greeted  us then she gave us some food we eat then I went to my  luggage and got some extra pajamas that I put there just in case and my stuff that I use for my night rutine and I went to kairis bathroom and did night routine and changed to my Pjs

Then I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the livingroom we all talked about stuff

Robert: I have to tell you guys something so next month is going to valentine's day and me and my family are going on a trip for 4 days we are leaving on the 12 days and then we are going to come back on the 15

Everyone: that sounds great

Robert: but we want karla to come with us

Karla: awwww Robert I really appreciate like I really do but I will prefer not to cause you guys have to have a family time only the 3 of you guys

Robert: but what are you going to do alone for 4 days

Karla: maybe I will go back texas

then we had to go to sleep
Maiya offered me to sleep with her if I wanted cause she saw that mattia and I had something going so I went to her room with my stuff and me her talked about some stuff and we had a great time then I felt asleep at her couch

This is so bad guys I need help like I don't know what to write about anymore but you have any ideas plss comment them

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