💫 059 🦋

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We got out of the house  and we got in my car and then I drived the fastest I could to get out of there before someone saw us

I headed to her house to leave her when we got there she was passed out. I didn't want to wake her up cause I know she was so stressed out and scared  so is better for her to sleep

so I got out of the car and called Robert


attia: hey bro

Robert: what's up?

Mattia: can you open  the door from downstairs pls

Robert: yeah?

Mattia: thanks

I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket and pick up karla and closed the door of the car with my foot and then I headed to the door by the time i was there Robert had the door open

So i got in and went straight upstairs to her room but the door of her room was closed so turned around to talk to Robert

Mattia: can you open the door

Robert: yeah

He run in front of me and open the door I went in her room and put her in her bed and then I took her shoes off and then. I put them in there place

I was at home and mattia call me to opened the door for him that was kinda weird but n e ways I open the door and he came in the house caring karla and he went straight upstairs

It was kinda weird but okay I flowed him and he told me to open the door from Karla's room for him and I did he took her shoes and he was putting them back when I noticed that she was bleeding from the head a little

Robert: hey what happened why she is bleeding

Mattia: I will tell you but first bring me a bandag

I went to my bathroom and got him some bandages and some cotton with peroxide to clean were she was bleeding then i went back and give it to him

Mattia: thank you

He started to clean were she was hurt and then he put the bandage on there

Robert: what happened mattia


I told robert what happened

Robert: he did what??? I'm going to kill him

Mattia: I know I'm mad too but we have to tell the police before doing something that's going to mess fucked shit more

Robert: you're right lets rest and  tomorrow at 8 let's go to the police

Mattia: yeah bet

Robert: goodnight

He left and I started covering karla with the sheets. And karla woke up

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