💫 022 🦋

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As soon as  I wanted to rest my head in his shoulder again Robert said

Robert: we are here

So everyone got out of the car and we headed inside the building and we went straight to order our food and   I paid for the food this time cause I was the one to tell them to come to eat they argued with me for paying but I told them next time they can pay then we went to sit in a table and I was talking to the boys mattia wasn't talking at all he was on his phone

A Couple minutes  later  a cute  boy came with our food  and he smiled to me

Karla: Thank you

I said smiling back  to the cute worker then he left  I smiled to not be mean

Mattia: maybe jenna was right with what she told you. you flirt with every guy that talks to you

He said still looking at his phone .wtf does this mf think he is

Karla: What the fuck I didn't eve-

Mattia: yeah of course you didn't

Karla: fuck off Mattia for real- you know what I'm leaving

I said while stood up and headed out of the building

???: Karla. Wait

I turned around and saw Robert and he told something to Alejandro and threw him his keys and then he came closer to me

Robert: I will go with you. Our house is not to far from here

Karla: you don't need to come with me I put the direction of the house in my phone

I said as I continued walking

Robert: I'm going with you n e ways

He said reaching to me

Robert: I'm sorry for Mattia being a asshole to you he wasn't like that he become an asshole when he break up with jenna

Robert: is like he is in his period sometimes* laughed*

Karla: that mf really has mood swings ngl

I said laughing with him

Then me and Robert were home so we climbed to the roof and got in our rooms through our windows then I was in my room and changed to my pjs then I did my night routine and then I fell asleep

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