💫 014 🦋

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After a posted in my spam I turned off my phone and searched for my bookbag that I bought yesterday cause yesterday a went to get my school stuff with Robert .

When I found it I put all my stuff I would probably need then I got my phone and went downstairs when I was downstairs I saw Robert's mom cooking breakfast

Karla: good morning

Mrs.georges: good night sweetheart. Oh can you do me a favor can you tell Robert to come to eat

Karla: yeah. Sure. I'll be right back

I put my bookbag on the couch and headed upstairs to Robert's room when I was up there a knocked on his door and he opened the door

Karla: breakfast is ready

Robert: I I'll be there in a sec

Karla: kk

I closed his door and headed downstairs and I seated down and started eating while I was eating I was scrolling down ig then Robert came and he started eating and we talked while we eat. Then Robert's mom left for work

Then we got everything together and headed to school

*at school*

We were already in the school parking lot and i stare at the front entrance. Here we go.I was lowkey kind of nervous. Me and Robert got out of the car and I followed Robert to wherever he was going

Then I saw the boys

The boys : hey guys !!!

Karla: hey

I went and gave a hug to kairi,Alejandro

Kairi: are you good you don't seem excited about your first day in this school

Karla: I am. But........I'm just a little nervous idk why bu I am

Alejandro: don't be and don't think were capping or something but everyone has been talking about you lately

Karla: oh wow but......why tho

Robert: we don't know maybe because of your music

Karla: mhm maybe but I don't think so

Karla: but whatever where's Alvaro?

Robert: oh he doesn't live here in nj no more he live in Florida and he just comes sometimes to visit

Karla: awww

I felt like someone was staring at me when I turned around and saw mattia looking at me with his arms open

Karla: what!?

Mattia: what about me I'm paint to do wall or something am I going to get a hug from you

I just smiled and shaked my head and I went to hug him

Karla: yeah

The boys: ooooouuuu

????: so this is the girl that everyone has been talking about?


I hope this chapter didn't came out that bad but I really don't know what to write about any more but anyways

Happy birthday mattia I love you so much no matter how much mistakes have you made but I'm sad cause I have my social media taken away so I can't make him a edit or something 😭😭😭😭

Happy birthday Carlos mena too i love them so much they are twins they both 17 now🥺🥺🥺

But anyways talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋

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