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Skip to friday after school

We were all seating at the bleachers talking about stuff when we all dicided to  make a sleep over

Karla: so we can do it at our house right Robert?

Robert: yeah sure

Mattia: okay bet then let's go get our stuff and then we head to you guys house

We all got our stuff and we headed to Robert's car and we headed to all the boys house to get their stuff and then then we headed to the house and they all  put their stuff in Robert's room except of mattia cause he was going to sleep in my room again cause he insisted and I gave in so yeah righ now we were ordering food cause we were hungry and while we were eating for the food we were watching a movie then when the food came we eat and we watched movies then I dicided to post a tiktok I took earlier

Caption: the first tiktok I make and using my own song😝

We were all in Robert's room and we were looking through our phones until mattia said something

Mattia: we should go live

Everyone: okay

He got up and put his phone in almost next to his window and he started the live


People started joining the live I was laying in my bed going through Instagram and the boys were just talking to the live

Kairi: are you not going to be in the live

He said while he throw a pillow at me

Karla: ouch

I got up and seat next  to Mattia and I started reading the comments

@User1: who is that?

@user2: is that Karla Hermosillo?

@user3: @karla_mamiii is that u?

Karla: hi yes I'm karla 😗✌

Then I got up and went back to the bed

Alejandro: is that all what are you going to say?

Robert: answer some comments

Karla: okay fine

I got and seat next to Mattia again and read comments

@user4: are you dating mattia?

Karla: hell nah

Mattia: hey!! I'm not that bad

Karla: mhm yeah you're just an asshole

@user5: what's your tiktok @?

Karla: I'm not giving my @ cause I don't want people to start saying"oh you clout because of the boys"and I don't want that so you guys have to find it by yourself 😜 so good luck
Mattia's pov

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