💫 034 🦋

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One month later
Social bash day at 5:00am

I woke up by the sound of my alarm so I got up and went straight to the bathroom and did my morning routine

So it has been a month since me and mattia started talking and is going very well he has changed a little the way he was with me but still treats me a little bad when he is around his friends but other than that I think that maybe I will give him a chance and we can date

Then I got out of the bathroom and got ready like

Then I got my luggage and headed downstairs then I heade back upstairs to say bye to Robert so I knocked on his door not to hard to not wake up the others but he didn't answer so opened his door luckily it was unlocked so entered and sat on the edge of the bed and shake him to wake up so he did ans sat up

Robert: mhm.....what happened

He said in a sleeply voice

Karla: I'm living bro see you in 3 days

Robert: K lil sis  take care I'm going to miss your annoying ass

Karla: hehehe me too bye

I said walking out of his room and heading downstairs. When I was downstairs I got my phone and ordered a uber to take me to the airport and it said it was 10 minutes away so I got my luggage and headed outside an sat on the stairs of the porch and got my phone out and texted to the group chat

(I literally didn't know how to named the group chat. I'm sorry)

The cute motherfuckers + Karla🤪

Girl🤮: hey mf are are you guys
already at the airport?

Olaf☃️: almost

Curious George🐵 : not yet I'm still getting ready I over slept

Girl🤮: 🤦🏽‍♀️ boy you better
hurry the fuck up

Curious George🐵: okay damn
chill out I will be
there before you know it

Girl🤮: okay whatever

Dino🦖:  you guys are so fucking slow
I'm already at the airport

Girl🤮: I'm on my way as well
as kai so shut the fuck😘
the only slow person is Ale😠

Rat🐀: I'm leaving a little later cause I have a different flight

Girl🤮: oh yeah so see you there

Then I got a notification that my uber was here so I got up and got my luggage and headed to the car

☆▪︎skip to the airport▪︎☆

I was at the airport already and I was looking for the boys then when I found them we headed to out plane cause our plane was leaving like in 10 minutes then when we made it we sat in our seats I didn't get to comfortable cause it was going to be 1 hour 47 minutes flight so yeah

▪︎☆ skip when we were at the hotel ☆▪︎

After we got out of our flight we ordered a uber and when we were waiting for it we almost froze cause it was so fucking cold like we didn't even expect it to be cold but n e ways when the uber came we headed to the hotel then when we were at the hotel at the lobby there was some supporters and I thought it some of the fans were there just for the boys but there were some of them that we were there for me

then after that we  went to get registered and got our room key and then headed to our rooms we all got separated rooms and in my room there were julian, malcom and Quinton and a girl name Jocelyn that was talking to malcom but only me, Julian and Mar knows that she is talking to malcom and she really likes  me and she says that me and malcoms friendship is goals thats what I like about her that she doesn't get jealous of me only because I'm close friends with malcom but n e ways Julian, malcom and Jocelyn were coming tomorrow so today it was only me and Quinton

And i meet Quinton in social media and we became really good friends

When I got to my room I saw Quinton unpacking some of his clothes

Karla: omg hiii

I said coming closer to him  leaving the door not fully closed and my luggage in the middle of the room and giving him a hug cause I was so excited to see him in person

Quinton: hey karla

He said pulling out of the hug

Karla: I was so excited to see you bro no cap

Quinton: me too

He said picking a outfit

Karla: changing already?

Quinton: yeah cause imma go to eat with some friends and it's so fucking cold outside

Karla: true true


Hey babes
Okay   what do you thought about this CHAPTER? 

imma post more.....maybe later cause I wanna pull a all nighter like not all night just like to 5 or 4 but anyways bye

Talk to guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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