💫 043 🦋

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I saw Jocelyn I quickly unlocked the door and opened it

Karla: Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: hi

I went to hug her and she hug me back

Karla: I thought you weren't coming

Jocelyn: I wanted to surprise you and talking surprises I have two early valentine gifts for you

She said pulling out of the hug

Karla: awww you didn't have too by having you here is the best early valentine's gift ever

Jocelyn: awwww but n e ways close your eyes

Karla: ugh fine

I said closing my eyes and covering them with my hands and then I started hearing steps

Karla: Jocelyn I swear to god if you put snake on me-

Jocelyn: no.no chill it's not that but n e ways opened your eyes at the count of 3

Karla: k

Jocelyn: 1

Jocelyn: 2

Jocelyn: 3

I took my hands off my face and opened my eyes and saw malcom and Quinton and I put my hand on my mouth and went to then and hug them at the same time and they hug me back and then I pulled out of the hug

Karla: come in

We got in and we headed upstairs to my room and they put their stuff down and then they got ready for bed I got out a inflatable bed that I bought for Jocelyn and malcom and Quinton sleep with me again I didn't have a problem with it neither him so yeah

I woke up by the sound of my alarm and by Quinton cuddling me, I reached for my phone and powered off my alarm and Quinton stop cuddling me and turned to the other way

I got up and searched for my outfit and walked to the the bathroom without making a noise and when I was in the bathroom I did my morning rutine and then I changed to this

I got up and searched for my outfit and walked to the the bathroom without making a noise and when I was in the bathroom I did my morning rutine and then I changed to this

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Then I got out of the bathroom and saw that the boys were  awake but Jocelyn was still sleeping

Karla: good morning

Them: good morning

Karla: so I have to go to school but you guys whatever you want there's food downstairs and I'm going to left you guys Robert's car so  pls take care of it

Them: kk

Karla: but....someone of you guys have to take me to school like right now and pick me up

Malcom: not me..... is to fucking early and Jocelyn is not awake yet

Quinton: okay fine I will take you

Karla: omg thank you I will wait for you downstairs

Quinton: ok

I went downstairs and put my bookbag on the couch and I went to the kitchen and got a yogurt and eat it while I waited for Quinton

Then minutes later he came downstairs and took me to school when we got to school the boys for some reason they were in front of the school

Karla: thank you for taking me to school see you in the afternoon

Quinton: K have a great day

I got out of the car and went to the boys and of course mattia was there

Karla: hey boys

Them: hey

Alejandro: I see you Quinton came to visit you

Karla: yeah and malcom and Jocelyn

Kairi: that's good I was going to ask you if you wanted to pass valentine's day with us but I guess you are going to with Jocelyn, malcom and Quinton

Karla: oh yeah but thank you tho for thinking of me

I saw mattia and he looked kinda annoyed if something but I didn't know why but whatever the bell ring and we headed to class

Mattia's pov

Karla wasn't here yet and the bell was going to ring like in a couple of minutes so the boys dicided to went to the front of the school to wait for her then a minute later we saw her but she wasn't alone she was with Quinton and he was driving Robert's car ugh idk if she likes either malcom or Quinton cause all of the sudden she is to close to Quinton and at this point I was kinda mad I know yesterday I cried because I lost her because of that stupid malcom but right now I hate her so much

Then she came to us and say hi to the others and she said that malcom and Jocelyn came to with Quinton and they were going to pass valentine's day together that was tomorrow and I'm happy cause kairi said that he was going to invite her too pass valentine's day with us. Thank god she is not

I'm sorry if this is bad but I just wanted to post something for you guys before going to bed cause I have been busy the whole day but n e ways talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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