💫 016 🦋

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I was on my bed hearing music and scrolling through Insta when I saw the time it was 7:00pm I didn't know if I wanted to go but you know fuck it I'm going to go.i got from bed and Started get ready I was wearing that and I did my makeup like that ⤵️

i got from bed and Started get ready I was wearing that and I did my makeup like that ⤵️

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~●~○~●~○~●~○~●~○~●~○~●~○~●~○~●Then when I finished getting ready I got a text from a unknown number

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Then when I finished getting ready I got a text from a unknown number

Unknown number

**********: hey karla

Karla😍: who is this?

******: D'angelo remember?

Karla😍: oh yeah hi

**********changed to D'angelo🙈

It was currently 8pm and I finished talking to D'angelo and now  I was watching tv and any of the boys has called me yet so I think I'm not going I got from bed and I was about to take my shoes of when I heard a knock on my window. So I went and opened it revealing Robert and the boys

Karla: wtf. Why are you guys here

Kairi: were going to the party obviously

Mattia: you're coming. come on

He said while he gave me his hand

Karla: what? No! I am not doing it, I can fall and it's like the 2 second floor

I said while I looked out the window

Mattia: idk how fuckin boring your life was in Texas but you're not going to get bored here

Karla:my life wasn't boring back in Texas .I use to do this all the time but I I have a long ass time that I don't do this

Mattia: come on nothing is going to happen to you I swear

I got his hand

Karla: ugh!! Fine but if I die its going to be you guys fucking fault but is going to be mostly Mattia's fucking fault

Mattia: yeah. Yeah c'mon

He said while he grabbed my arms and I jumped out of the window to the roof. Then they help me jump out of the roof then we got in Robert's car he was driving, Alejandro was seating in the passenger seat and kairi, Mattia and me were seating in the back and I was seating in the middle of them. Then I got a text from....

Hey luvs !!!!

Omfg I'm so fucking scared but excited at the same time idk if is the video were he reads FANFICS or other one 😳😳😳😵😵 and its currently 3:16

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Omfg I'm so fucking scared but excited at the same time idk if is the video were he reads FANFICS or other one 😳😳😳😵😵 and its currently 3:16..... omfg!!!!!!

Talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER bye love you guys💋💋💋💋💋

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