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That's my new background picture^
What do you guys think?

????: thank you and by the way I'm D'angelo

Karla: no problem and I'm karla

D'angelo: then talk to you later igtg

Karla: aight bet talk to you later

When D'angelo left our food came and I turned to see the boys they were all looking at me but mattia was looking at me differently like if he was jealous but I don't know why the fuck

Karla: What.....do I have something of my face

Alejandro: no whe are just shook

Kairi: cause that dude was bold to ask for your number

Alvaro: when you are seating with 5 boys

Robert: and he didn't even say hi to  us

Karla: omg guys he just asked for my number not that big of a deal

I turned to look at mattia cause he didn't say anything and he looked like he was thinking about something

Mattia's pov:

Omg I got so fucking pissed when that boy D'angelo asked for Karla's number and more when she gave it to him

Karla: mattia are you okay what are you thinking about?

Mattia: n-nothing I was just thinking if I have saw that dude D'angelo somewhere in school

Karla: oh
Karla's pov

Mattia was acting a little weird but I just didn't put a lot of attention in it
1 hour later

It was currently 4:00pm and we just finished eating and we were just talking about some random stuff

Kairi: I want to get in the play room so bad

Karla: then go little child. I don't think they will tell you something cause you are the kids height

Kairi: oh shot up your not that tall you're 5'6 and  Mattia, Alejandro and  Robert are still taller than you

Karla: but I'm  taller than you and Alvaro

Kairi: oh whatever. Alvaro want to come with me

Alvaro: bet let's go

They got up and they started walking to the playground

Karla: oh shit I have to record this

The boys: same

We got our phone out and we start  recording and Alvaro and kairi got in the playground and after a couple of minutes they got caught so we signed them to get out when they saw us they got out the fastest but the worker  catch up to them and he told them something and then they came to the table

Kairi: we have to get the fuck out of here *laugh*

We all laughed and we got out of the restaurant and we got in the car just the way we were last time and we just started to laugh

Karla: what happened in there?*laughing*

Kairi: Idk but when we got in the playground a little girl was staring at us

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