💫 050 🦋

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While the tour Gabe told me he comes from Texas but from San Antonio that is  like 4 hours away from were I use to  live and he is Mexican too well we have a lot in common and I like it I think we will become good friends oh and did I mansion that he has a two classes that are after lunch  with me and lunch too

But n e way The tour was over and we came back to the the same place we started the tour

Karla: sooo I can introduce you to some of my friends if you want at lunch?

Gabe: oh thanks

Karla: what's your number? So you can tell me were you at

I said taking my phone out of my back pocket

Gabe: um yeah sure its ***-***-****

He said while I dial it and save his contact name as "Gabe🤭" after that I called him so he gets my number and add me to his contacts

Karla: we are already done with the tour so I'll drop you off to your 1st pd so that they know you were excused from the beginning

Gabe: aight let's go

We walked to his class and as soon we walked in everyone was looking at us and the girls started whispering stuff to each other

Teacher: Look who we have here the new student um.......Gabe Martinez I see, have a seat right there next to Eric, Eric pls race you're hand

After the teacher said that Gabe turned to me and said

Gabe: Thanks for the tour Karla I'll see you at lunch

I just nodded and he turned around and walk to his seat and  all the girls give me bad looks since I'm already one of his first friend I just rolled my eyes and got out of the class and walk to my first pd

Skip to lunch

It's almost time for lunch and I got I text from Gabe


Gabe🤭: hey karla I'm near the library. Where I can meet you?

Karla💫: if you're close to the
library then we can meet
at the library  it's fine my locker
is Close by so ill be there
in a few


abe🤭: okay

The bell ring so I got my stuff and headed to my locker and then went to the library and when I walked in the library I saw Gabe and he saw me too so he walked up to me

Gabe: hey

He said while he gave me a quick hug

Karla: hi

I said while we pulled away from the hug

Gabe: before we head to lunch can we go to the office first? cause I have to give them this papers

Karla: sure let's go

We headed to the office and drop off his papers then we headed to the cafeteria and once again the girls and guys  looked at us probably the girls were looking at me  but whatever

Gabe: why are they looking at us?

He said a little embarrassed

Karla: I'm pretty sure the most of them  are starting at u not me

I said as we both giggle

Karla: hey guys!

I said as we got to the table. Were I seat were all tho boys were obiaslly

The boys: hey

Robert: I don't want to sound rude but who this?

Karla: oh yeah um he is Gabe, Gabe this are my friends Robert, Kairi, Alejandro and um Mattia

I said while they all said sup or hey at him

Them we sat down at the table and I sat next to robert while he sat next to me and the rest of the boys started to talk to Gabe and getting to know each other

Hey babe's

Sorry for not being active this weekend but I was kinda not feeling motivated for doing nothing but today I feel better and it make me feel better than when I checked wattpad and saw this

Sorry for not being active this weekend but I was kinda not feeling motivated for doing nothing but today I feel better and it make me feel better than when I checked wattpad and saw this

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Like wow. You guys were really sending some love to my books while I was out for this days but I'm back AND I saw this too

Like WTF thank you guys I really appreciated so much like I never thought getting where I'm right now but n e ways leaving this emotional shii

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Like WTF thank you guys I really appreciated so much like I never thought getting where I'm right now but n e ways leaving this emotional shii

Talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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