💫 031 🦋

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I walked in kairis room seeing some of the boys passed out

Robert: karla I want  a hug

He said while he went to hug me and I hug him back

Karla: awwww, what's wrong dawg

Robert: they are all verified now and I'm not

He said  pulling out of the hug and throwing him self to the couch kairi had in his room

Karla: awww don't worry about that you will see that you will get verified soon

Karla: are you  guys going to sleep now kairi and Alvaro

Kairi&Alvaro: yeah

kairi layed  next to Mattia that was  passed out on the floor and Alvaro layed next to Alejandro that was passed out on the floor as well

So I walked to the couch and saw Robert sleeping so I bent down and started shaking Robert to wake up but he didn't woke up

Karla: fuck. now how am I  taking him and I home now

I whispered while put my hair on the back of my ear

Alvaro: just stayed here and  tomorrow think something to tell to Robert's parents

He whispered back I just nodded and went to lay down on kairis bed because nobody was sleeping on it and when I layed down I was thinking what to tell to Robert's parents and I'm going to tell them that me and Robert went for a walk early

I just closed my eyes and I was almost going to fell asleep when I felt a pair of hands around my waist so I just seat up fast and got out the bed and looked at the bed to see who it was and it was mattia

Mattia: chill is just me babe *whispered*

Mattia: come here

He said while he opened his arms I just sighed and I laid next to him turning my back to him then he pulled me closer and we spooned and I felt asleep
Next day Saturday at 9:00am
I woke up by my phone vibrating ontop of KAIRI'S night desk so I got out of mattia's grip with out waking him up then I got from my bed and walk to kairis bathroom that was outside of his room and answered the phone

Karla: hello?

Mrs.georges: hello sweetie good morning were are you and Robert and checked on you guys and you aren't here?

Karla: good morning and we came to walk to a park

Mrs.georges: oh okay I will be waiting for you guys with breakfast ready

Karla: okay thank you bye

I ended the call and walk back to kairis room and saw that Robert was already awake looking through his phone

Karla: good morning

Robert: good morning

Karla: you're mom just called and I told her we went for a walk

Robert: oh okay let's go then but put my hoodie on cause I don't think she will believe us seeing you wearing that

He said handing me his hoodie I took it and put it on and we walked outside of kairis room and headed downstairs and we saw a little girl making pancakes

Robert: good morning maiya

Maiya: good morning robert good morning......who are you? Are you any of my brothers friend gf or your my brothers gf?

Karla: um I'm karla and hehehe no I'm anybodys gf I'm just friends with all of them?

Maiya: oh I was about to say why is a beautiful girl like you dating my brother or one if his friends cause they are so freaking ugly

Karla: hehehe nah

Maiya:  but n e ways do you guys want some pancakes?

Robert: we would love to but we have to head home

Karla: but thanks anyways

Then we said bye and we headed to the house when we got in the house we saw Robert's mom cooking breakfast and mr.Georges was setting on the couch watching tv they question us cause Robert doesn't wake up early on Saturday  and because I was wearing Jean's but I told her I just wanted to look cute 😂😂😂😂then I went upstairs to my room and  took a shower and changed to something comfy and walk downstairs and eat breakfast
Skip to Monday at school

I was walking to lunch and I found the table were the boys seat everytime and we were talking until I saw taylor and I call her over and she came and we all started talking and it ended up that taylor and the boys already know each other then the bell rang and we all went separated ways

Soooo I'm sorry this CHAPTER is all over the place but I didn't know what to write 😗✌

Soooo if you guys have any ideas just comment them so I could write the next chapter

So yeah talk to you guys on the next CHAPTER💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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