💫 010 🦋

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The boys and me were chilling on the couch when I remember what  I told mattia when he eat my food so I got up from the couch and went upstairs to my room and got one of my chanclas and went downstairs I stopped when i just had to walk 5 steps and I  prepared myself to throw the chancla when I was ready I threw it and it hit mattia's  head

Mattia: OW. WTF 

he said while he rubbed the back of his head and while he turned around to look at where the chancla came from. When he was looking at me he gave me a death stare

Karla: Oh shit

I turned around and runned upstairs to my room a s when I was in my room I was going to close the door but mattia blocked it. Then he graved me from my waist and throw me into the bed and started to tickle me

Karla: m-ma-mattia stop plsss
I'm-im sorry !!

Mattia: hahahah okay fine
We were all in the leaving room watching a show. When I remember that I needed to buy some stuff online but I haven't got a credit card but my mom told me that one of this days mrs.georges is going to take me to the bank so I can get my credit card

Karla: Robert can I use your credit card. I need to buy some stuff online but I don't have a credit card jet.

Robert: okay. But why you don't have a credit card

Karla: long story short you're mom is going to take me one of this days to get one and I will give you the money back

Robert: oh okay

He got his wall and took his card he was going to give it to me when mattia said

Mattia: how about karla use my card

Karla: no I don't want too bother you or waist your money. Like I tell Robert cause I'm-

Mattia: no it's fine

Robert put his card in his wallet and said

Robert: karla just say yesss so he can shut the fuck up

Karla: ughhh. Okay fine

I went upstairs to my room and went to get my laptop and went downstairs and sat on the couch in the middle of Alejandro and Kairi

Karla: let's see that card Mattia or should I say
"BiG bOY mAtTia"

Mattia: stop. Were did you heard that from!!!

We all laughed and he handed me the card

Karla: I just heard kairi saying that

Mattia: ugh. Whatever.what are you getting?

The boys: yeah what are you getting?

Karla: some clothes

Kairi: you have a shit ton of clothing on your closet what you mean!!

Alejandro: for real tho

Alvaro: yeah and I bet that you haven't use any of that clothes yet

Karla: hahhahaha guys. Mind your god dam business

Everyone laughed

I turned to look at the computer  and went to my favorite app that is shein.
Ans I started to look for clothes and ale, kairi and Alvaro help me pick some clothing

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