💫 049 🦋

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skip to monday
at 6:00am

I wake up by the sound of my alarm I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep and then 20 minuted my alarm sound again and it was 6:20 so I got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom and did my morning routine when I was done I changed to this

I was kinda tired cause yesterday me and Robert hang out the whole day and then we slept like at 2 in the morning because we drank soda like at 12 so we had a lot of energy but n e ways today I got up extra early cause today the principle told me ...

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I was kinda tired cause yesterday me and Robert hang out the whole day and then we slept like at 2 in the morning because we drank soda like at 12 so we had a lot of energy but n e ways today I got up extra early cause today the principle told me that I had to be in her office today before the bell rang cause she had something to me to do so yeah

Then I grabbed my phone and my backpack and headed downstairs and saw Robert waiting for me in the livingroom

Robert: ready?

Karla: yep let's go

We got out the house and got in his car and headed to school

skip the car ride

When we were at school we got out of the car and went were we always go in the morning and obiaslly saw mattia and Alejandro there I just talked to Robert, kairi and Alejandro like always but I wasn't that mad with Alejandro cause like I can't control what he thinks of of who he talks to so yeah then out of nowhere someone pull me aside

And of course was the one and only mattia polibio🙄

Mattia: can we talk.....plss

Karla: ugh fine but fast cause i have something to do in 20 minutes

Mattia: it will take less than that

Karla: okay then start talking

Mattia: okay look karla I'm so sorry what I did to you like I really am and I hope you know that

Karla: oh yeah yeah of curse I do cause you really didn't still hang out with cynthia after that and be so lovely dovey with each other or I should say she was

Mattia: just I'm sorry okay I really mean it

Karla: yeah like that going to help......but n e ways can you just fucking tell why the fuck you did that to

He explained me everything that happened and I was shocked about everything that happened

Mattia: so can you forgive me

Karla: look mattia.......... give me time to think about what should I do cause I really dont Know right now what's the best decision

Mattia: take your time but can we still talk

Karla: no mattia I have to do this with out you being there cause if you are there then its probably I would choose the wrong decision that then I will be facing later so no

Mattia: ok

Karla: I-I got to go

I just walked away and walk to the principal's office while I was doing that I was taking what just happened I didn't want to make a wrong decision do I have to think about it. When I got to the office I told the lady in the front desk

Karla: um hi good morning im karla Hermosillo and the principal said that she had something to me to do today

Lady: oh yes sweetie she wants you to give the new student a tour of the school

Karla: oh....okay

She turned around and said

Lady: come here dear she is here

Then she turned back to me and she smiled to me and then a pretty good looking guy got out of the principal's office like when I tell you he was good looking guy its because he is good looking guy

Lady: so here is your schedule and you guys can start the tour

Boy: thanks

We started to walk away

Karla: soo hi I'm karla Hermosillo

I said stopping and look at him

Boy: hey I'm Gabe

And I shook his hand

Karla: nice to meet you Gabe

We started to talk the whole tour of the school but basically wasn't a tour we just walk through the whole school and getting to know each other

This CHAPTER is all over the place for real like I think everything I said didn't make since at all I'm so sorry but n e ways


Gabe Martinez

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Gabe Martinez

Idk what his last name is so I just made one up okay.okay and yes I know I used martinez for Jocelyns last name but I just- just know that they aren't related

And guys I need idea's cause I really dont have anymore and if there's no ideas there's no updates

N e ways talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋💋💋

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