💫 008 🦋

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Karla: Mattia cause he was the first one to say me

The boys: ugh fine

Karla: ugh chill guys I'm being fair

Robert: yeah. Yeah it doesn't matter. It's time to sleep now

We started to walk upstairs me and mattia entered in my room and Robert and the rest of the boys went in Robert's room. When we were in my room I went straight to my bed and started to scroll through Instagram and mattia went straight to the bathroom

Then he came out of the bathroom and said

Mattia: do you have another blanket and a pillow I can use?

Karla: yeah why?

Mattia: cause I'm going to sleep in the couch

Karla: silly you can sleep with me I. I mean if you want. dont bite

Mattia: oh okay are sure?

Karla: yeah I guess

He layed down next to me and started looking through his phone when I got a video call

I turned to look at mattia

Karla: is it-

Mattia: yeah.yeah.answer :)

I nodded and answered the call

In coming video call from Diegito🥺

Diego: hey

Karla: sup wyd?

Diego: nothing much and you?

Karla: in my room what would I been doing at almost 1 am

Diego: idk hahahha- who is that

Karla: oh this is my friend mattia

Mattia: sup

Diego: uh I got to go bye

Karla: o-

*call ended*

I just stayed there confused on what just happened why Diego acted like that

Mattia: are you okay?

Karla: yeah. I- I'm just confused how my friend acted he doesn't act like that

Mattia: don't take this grown but maybe he likes you

Karla: no no I don't think so he is my bestfriend and I don't see him in that way

Mattia: idk that's just my opinion

I just stayed there thinking but I just let it be if he likes me that way I'm just going to tell him that I don't feel the same way about him ugh that's going to hurt him so bad but I don't want to lie to him. I just got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and I gave mattia a toothbrush that I wasn't using and he put it in a ziploc bag and he put his name on it and put it in my little I had in my bathroom. The we  leayed down in my bed and mattia was in his phone then he saw something in his phone and he turned his phone off and turned the other way facing the wall. In that time I was using my phone so I just powered off and hugg him from behind

Karla: are you okay?

Mattia: yeah I'm fine

I just stopped hugging him and got his face now he was looking at me and he was crying

Karla: you are not okay what's wrong

Mattia: my ex texted me saying that she wants to get back together and I agreed and then a couple of minutes later I see a picture of her kissing other dude

Karla: hey its okay she doesn't deserve you .stop crying about her cause she is maybe with that dude having fun. and you are here crying for her no no  that's no fair

Mattia: yeah you're right. Thank you

Karla: no problem

I just went to my part of the bed and faced the door and I closed my eyes almost starting to fell as sleep when I felt some warm arms around my waist in that moment I opened my eyes and looked it was mattia's arms so I turned around facing him and I rest my head in his chest and I wrapped my arms around his waist

Mattia: good night karla

Karla: good night polibio



Hey luvs

Yeah. Yeah. I knows  this is so bad but I don't have many ideas andddd i'm in those days if you know what I mean so I'm not feeling my best 🙁🙁so if i feel a little better later maybe idk I'm just saying maybe I will post another chapter

You know what let's screw up what I just say I will post the next chapter if this chapter gets 5 votes
So if  you guys want another chapter get this CHAPTER to 5 votes

Do you like this idea? Cause if you do will be using that in all my chapters

So yeah dont forget to vote and  comment any ideas if you would like to share some with me 😗✌💜

So yeah I hope that you guys are staying safe and yeah talk to you guys in the next chapter 💋💋💋

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