💫 055 🦋

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today we went out to eat all of use like last time we have a great time then we watched movies together then we made dinner and then we watched more movies and then we all headed to our rooms like at 9:40pm and also today was the day when my brother died 2 years ago I was sad kinda but then I remembered that he wouldn't want that so I cheered a little up

Then at 10 Robert told us if we wanted to get something from 7 eleven and we said yes so me and my sister went with him after getting our stuff I told Robert to hold on a little cause I want to record a rap that I made for me brother. After I recorded it I posted it on my insta

@karla_mamiii: to my brother😣❤🥺🕊


Right now me and my sister were doing face masks and I dicided to go live and sing something and my sister kinda did too

Then when I finished the live me and my sister watched our favorite series and then we fell asleep


Saturday at 7:00pm

It was been past 5 weeks since my parents and sister left I miss them a lot, they say that they are coming on new year that is going to be in 6 months

This pass 5 weeks me and Gabe have really been hanging out and I'm definitely  falling for him but then I see Mattia and I just want to be with him and when Mattia talks to me his so nice now that I just want him to tell me he wants to he with me but then I see Gabe that he was made me so happy all this time that had pass since he came in my live

Ugh it's so confusing like I see mattia jealous when I'm with Gabe and that makes me think i can go back to him but than i see him flirting with lena again ugh you know what no he can do the same thing to me so no I need to forget about him cause he looks that he just wants temporary relationship and I don't got time for that

I'm currently in my room watching tv, robert went out with mateo, Alejandro and mattia he ask me to go with him but I didn't want yo be close to mattia cause I need time to think stuff yk if I keep seeing him that often I'm going to choose the wrong decision and plus Robert never goes out with his friends without me so he needs some time for just the boys

I got bored so I dicided to write what i was feeling and turned to a rap, then I found a beat after that I put everything together and then I post it on my insta

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