💫 048 🦋

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We went to the house and pick up Quinton stuff and then we drop him at the airport we said our goodbyes and then we left Jocelyn and malcom didn't leave yet cause they have a different flight cause Quinton lives in LA and Jocelyn and malcom live in texas

So we went back to the house and hang for little we were watching movies, we did tiktoks and we took pictures then 5:30pm came a round so Jocelyn and malcom got everything together and we headed to the airport cause their flight it's at 6pm so yeah we went to the airport and say our goodbyes and then I went back home

When I was home I got some snacks and headed to my room. When I was in my room I turned the TV on and put riverdale then I realized that I didn't have my phone on me so I started to look for it then I remembered I left it here so I looked for it and I found it. it was in my night desk

When I saw my phone I had missed calls from Mattia and a lot of massege from him it was kinda weird but I'm not going to answer I'm going to do what Quinton told me move on
Mattia's pov

After I talked to Quinton I kept hanging out with my friends but now I felt linda mad being around cynthia but I wanted to talk with her in privet so I have to wait until we leave the fair
30 minutes later

Afte like 30 minutes we dicided to go back to my friends house

When we were there I had to talk to her so I went were she was and

Mattia: cynthia I need to talk to you

Cynthia: what's up?

Mattia: in privet

Cynthia: oh okay let's go to the room that I'm staying in

I just nodded and we headed to the room . When we were in the room she sat on her bed and I just stayed stand up

Cynthia: so what's up?

Mattia: no you tell me what's up?

I said kinda mad while I crossed my arms

Cynthia: what do you mean?

Mattia: what happened at social bash. Why. The. Fuck. I can't remember shit after I drink something that you gave me

Cynthia: I don't know forget about it

She said standing and touching my chest
And I just push her off

Mattia:  for the last time what was on the drink

I said more mad now

Cynthia: nothing. You just told me you wanted to make karla jealous and we did and you ask me to take a picture with you like that

Mattia: I'm going to ask for the last time cynthia what was on that fucking drink

Cynthia: omg dude chill there was nothing in there

At this point I was so mad I grabbed her from her neck and pin her to the wall

Mattia: what was on the drink?

Cynthia: I-I gave you a-a pill that was going to make you kinda high and- and forget whatever you do after taking the pill

She fucking drug me. I just stop choking her and she fell to the floor and I just passed my hand through my hair in frustration and I sat on the bed and put my hands on my face

Cynthia: and-  and then I told you to take a picture with me and then I told how we should take it and then you agreed with me and you posted on your snap

I just got up and left that house I couldn't be there anymore I just walked home it wasn't that far from were I was while I walk I was thinking

Wtf did I do i feel so guilty for  Hurting karla all this time I really lost her for this fucking bitch that fucking drug me like I'm such a dumbass for assuming stuff ugh I fucking hate my self so much

When I got home I went straight to my room and then u dicided to call karla it was like 5:30

I called her and she didn't answer and send her masseges she didn't answer. I need  to talk to her why she not answering

After calling her and massaging her a bunch of times I dicided that I'm going to talk to her in person on Monday
Karla's pov

It was 7:00pm and I was bored from watching tv so I dicided to sing a rap. So I grabbed my notebook and started to write then I was done writing I looked for I beat and when I found it I recorded it and then posted on my ig

@karla_mamiii: i be so dumb and believe that they love me

Then I someone open my door of my room and it was Robert

Karla: omg Robert

I runned to him and give him a hug

Robert: I miss you a lot karla

Robert: oh and I saw that my car is just like I left it

Karla: yeah I took good care of it

Then I went downstairs and said hi to Robert's parents and they brought food si we eat and then me and  Robert came to my room and watched a movie then after the movie 8 ask Robert about the trip and he said it was fun but he wished that I went then he told me what did I do and I told him everything like literally everything especially about mattia and Alejandro 
Hey babe's

So what do you guys think about the ff so far?

N e ways talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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