💫 039 🦋

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Fourth and last day of
social bash at 7:00am

I woke up by the sound of my alarm and I was cuddling with Quinton some how I got out of his grip without waking him up
And a pick a outfit and got in the bathroom and did my morning routine
And when I finished I changed to this

I woke up by the sound of my alarm and I was cuddling with Quinton some how I got out of his grip without waking him up And a pick a outfit and got in the bathroom and did my morning routine And when I finished I changed to this

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Then I got out the bathroom and I saw everyone already awake

Karla: good morning

Them: good morning

Karla: I don't want to leave you guys I really got close with guys this couple of days

Jocelyn: I don't want to leave you too

She said hugging me

Quinton: me either

He said joining the hug

Malcom: same

He said joined the hug

Karla: now let's stop all of this before I cry

I said pulling out of the hug then Quinton went to get ready and when he got out malcom went to get ready when I I remember that Quinton got my phone and he was about to leave the room

Karla: wait Quinton

He turned around

Quinton: yes?

Karla: my phone

Quinton: oh is in the night desk

Karla: ok thank you

I went through my snapchat and I found this remix I did so I dicided to post it on my ig

@karla_mamiii: go loco remix

And people were commenting she hasn't seen the tiktokroom and then I remember that I had to check so I went to tiktokroom and I found a picture of Mattia and cynthia touching tongue's

If you fucking thought I was going to put that picture than you thought wrong cause I don't want that shit in my phone

I just threw my phone and I put a pillow over my face and started crying

Jocelyn: What's wrong

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