💫 025 🦋

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Next day Wednesday
At 6:30am

I woke up by the sound of my alarm. So I got up and went to the bathroom and did my morning routine when I finished  I changed to

 So I got up and went to the bathroom and did my morning routine when I finished  I changed to

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And did some simple makeup then I headed downstairs and saw Robert in the livingroom

Robert: good morning

Karla: morning

Robert: ready to go

Karla: yop let's go

We got our stuff and we headed to the car
Skip the car ride

When we were at school we got out of the car and me and Robert went to find the boys . Then minutes later we found them in the bleachers

Karla: hey boys

Robert: hey guys

The boys: hi

We were all talking but I wasn't talking to Mattia at  all  right now I was talking with kairi when I felt someone's hands covered my eyes

???: who am I?

Karla: D'angelo?

I grabbed his hands and uncover my eyes and turned around and I was D'angelo so I hugged him

D'angelo: hey baby

He said pulling out of the hug and he gave me a kiss

Karla: hey love

The boys: oooooo!!

I turned around and saw the boys had a shock face and Mattia looked kinda mad but I didn't put a lot of interest in it
Kairi: baby?

Alejandro: he gave you a kiss on the LIPS

Kairi: can someone explain???

Alejandro: yeah cause something is going on between you guys and we didn't know

Karla: hahahha me and D'angelo are dating 🙂

Kairi: and you didn't told me. I thought we were besties

Karla: we are but it all happened yesterday

Kairi: I'm happy for you karly butttt if he breaks your heart he better hide 😑

Alejandro: DAS IT

Robert: I agree with kairi

The boys turned to see Mattia that was in his phone

Mattia: what?!!

Robert: are you gonna say something about karla and D'angelo dating ?

Mattia: last time I said something about that dude karla got mad soooo this time ain't saying shit

*Ring, ring*

The bell ring so that meant that we had to go class so we all headed to our first period
Skip to the end of the day cause I'm lazy :)

All the rest of the day me and D'angelo did all that lovely dovey shit like holding hands yk what I mean and I sat with him in lunch and Mattia looked kinda buttered by it but I didn't care at all. Then when school ended I invited D'angelo over and we watched movies and we cuddled but something that was kinda weird that he took a photo of each other kissing and he send it to one of his friends and I ask him why he send it to his friend and he said that he didn't believe him that we were dating and still think that was weird but I just didn't think much of it then he got a call and he told me it was his mom that she needed him to do some stuff for her so he left

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