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Next day Thursday
At school

I was at school at the bleachers with the boys again and I was waiting for D'angelo  to come to the bleachers as we planned yesterday but he wasn't there so I text him but he didn't answer I call him he didn't answer

Robert: Karla are you okay?

Kairi: yeah karly what's wrong you look kinda worried?

Alejandro: yeah like who are you texting and calling?

Mattia: why do you guys care that much?

The boys just looked at Mattia like 😑

Mattia: I was just asking fam

Karla: ugh whatever I'm just a little worried about D'angelo he is not answering my calls

Mattia: maybe is because he fucking another bitch right now

He mumbled but we all heard him. I was going to say something but the bell ring and we had to head to class

Alejandro: maybe he is sleeping

He said while we walked to our classes

Kairi: or his sick

Robert: or his phone is on mute

Alejandro: just don't think he is-

Karla: cheating on me yeah you guys are right. Thank you guys so much
Skip when school ended
I was waiting for Robert to get out of class while I was waiting for him I was calling D'angelo  but he still didn't answer

???: Karla

I heard someone said and turned to the direction the voice came from and saw Robert and the boys so I turned off my phone and put it In my back pocket

Karla: what's up?

Alejandro: were going to the park

Kairi: and were wandering if you wanna come with us

Karla: ummmm I'm sorry guys but maybe next time  cause I want to make D'angelo some food  and take it to his house maybe he sick

Robert: oh okay so I will leave you at the house . Come on let's go

We got in the car and  Robert took me to the house and I think they went to park I got in the house and I started getting all my ingredients I was going to make some spaghetti with meat balls I know spaghetti with meat balls are not gonna make him feel better but I don't know if he likes sopa de pollo but n e ways after i got all the ingredients a started to make the food
Skip when the food was ready

I finished making the food so I put a little of it in a  plate and then a put a plate topper on tap of the food then I headed to his house walking cause it wasn't that far away from my house

When I got there i tried to open his front door and it was open so i just went in and i put the food in his kitchen counter and I headed to his room and opened his door

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