💫 057 🦋

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AT 6:00PM

I was currently 6 in the afternoon and me and Gabe just came from the fair cause we were celebrating our one month anniversary the fair was the supprice for him and and got him a present too and he actually like it

After being in the house for 10 minutes someone call Gabe

*ring ring*

Gabe: hello


Gabe: okay


Gabe: I'll be there

He ended the call

Karla: what's wrong bea ?

Gabe: nothing just I have to go, but I will come back for you but at the time I come back you have to be ready for your supprice okay I will be here like in a hour or so

Karla: omg okay!!

Gabe: okay see you

He started walking out

Karla: baby?

He turned around

Gabe: yes?

Karla: I think you forgot something

Gabe: what?

Karla: kiss

He came to me and kiss me then pulled out

This is so cringy ugh but N E ways

Gabe: okay now I have to go, see you later

Karla: bye

After he left I went upstairs to my room and went to shower.after showering I changed to this

Cause I felt like I wanted to look cute cause I didn't even know were we were going to go but whatever then I did make up and hair

After doing that it was 7:00 already and hasn't text me so I guess he is coming later . I dicided to watch Netflix while I wait for him


I was still watching Netflix when I got a text from Gabe


Babe💋: I'm outside

Karla: k I'll be there in a sec

I powered off my phone and got up and then put it on my back pocket and walk out of my room

I went in Robert's room cause he came like 15 minutes ago so told him I was going out and he tell

e careful a shii then I went downstairs and got out of the house and went in Gabes car

Karla: hey baby

I said while I went for a kiss but he moved his head

I looked at him confused and put my seat belt on

Karla: what's wrong babe?

Gabe: nothing I just don't want to mess up you're lipstick

Karla: oh???

Tf he acting do fucking weird
But I just brush it off


2 minutes pass and we were in the park that was close to my house

Karla: what are we doing in here?

Gabe: you'll see just wait

We got out of the car and started walking and by now I knew were going to the house we came last time

When we got to the door he stopped me

Karla: what's wrong?

Gabe: you're ready for your supprice?

Karla: yeah

Gabe: k close you're eyes

I closed my eyes and I heard he opened the door and he helped me get in

Gabe: okay open you're eyes

I opened my eyes and saw a trail of red roses petals and little candles on the sides

I opened my eyes and saw a trail of red roses petals and little candles on the sides

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Karla: awww this is to cute

I say looking at him

Gabe: go follow the trail

I nodded and started following the trail and when I got to the end of the trail it stop on a door of a room i was smiling like crazy cause I was so excited so I opened the door and when  I opened the door my smile fade away right away I opened that  door

I wish I never had open it


I'm sorry don't hate me 😘

Hey babes soooooo I want to show you guys something real quick

Bih we are number 4 omg thank you guys so much I really appreciated all you're support 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Bih we are number 4 omg thank you guys so much I really appreciated all you're support 🥺🥺🥺🥺

And thank you guys for 16.5k reads and 446 votes love you guys so much

Talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋💋💋

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