💫 030 🦋

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I saw Alvaro  and he was talking with two girls so I walked to him

Karla: omg hi Alvaro the boys didn't tell me you were coming

I said while I hugged him

Alvaro: oh hey karla and this assholes I told them to tell you but i guess they forget but It's all  good cause  I surprised you

Karla: yeah

I said while I pulled out of the hug

Alvaro: but n e ways this is taylor and Victoria but she likes people to call her vic and taylor and vic this is karla

Taylor: hey karla

Okay okay I know vic is not like that like she is so nice and I love her but in this story she is going to be different okay okay

Said taylor while she smiled at me  and vic just gave me a dirty look

Karla: hi

Taylor: omg you're so pretty and I love your hair like red really looks good on you

Karla: aw thank you you're so pretty too

Taylor: and I love you're shoes like they give a asthetic vibe yk and how they are customized

Vic: omg taylor 1. She us wearing Airforce 1 everyone has does shoes like almost everyone in this room has does shoes on right now 2. I have seen more beautiful girls than her 3.  people that have red hair are crazy and stupid as fuck

Can you guys guess were a get this from if you do comment it pls

Oh and this kinda hurted me tho cause like I have red hair too soo ahhhhhh

Alvaro just looked at me like saying are you okay and I just smiled at him that everything was fine like i just wanted to punch her so bad but I didn't want that to ruin my night so I just calmed myself down

Taylor: but her shoes are customized differently n e ways and I love your outfit it mostly you're top I love the color

Vic: ugh I'm done hearing you compliment this girl I'm leaving

She said walking away

Omg I love taylor. Taylor is just so sweet and beautiful like I will love her to be my friend she is nothing compared as vic. vic is beautiful too but the way she acts just no no I don't like her

Karla: aww thank you I love your outfit too like that's something I would wear

She was wearing that

Alvaro: oh well I guess you found a friend I would let you guys talk

He said smiling and then he walked away


We just went to the couch and we talk almost all the night and I was so happy I found her and that she is my friend now  cause is more easily to talk to a girl cause they are some stuff that you can't talk with a guy and talk nigh I have been drinking soda but yeah drink a little of vodka but I'm not drunk cause I have  drinks a  hella soda

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