💫 029 🦋

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Then when we got to his house it was early still so we went to his room and we just hang out for a little cause kairi had everything ready already
Few minutes later
The doorbell  rang and we all went  downstairs and when we were downstairs kairi opened the door and like 20 teenagers came in the house so Alejandro put some music and then more people were coming so kairi let the door unlock so the people just could come in so I went to take a drink and I just stand there in the kitchen looking through Instagram cause like the boys were doing there own thing and I don't know anyone else so yeah I didn't have any other choice

I was still going through insta and I just   finished my drink when I felt some pair of hands around my waist

Karla: AHHHHH. WTF!!!

I said while turned around

Mattia: god you so fucking laud fam

He said while laughed 

Karla: what do you expect me to do when  I just feel some random ass hands around my waist

I said while I rolled my eyes and just turned around and went back to look at my phone. Then he put his hands around my waist again and I just rolled my eyes

Karla: can you not plz

Mattia: what do I have to do? 

He said while he layed his head on my shoulder still with his hands on my waist

Karla: what? What do you mean with  what do I have to do?

Mattia: what do I have to do so you are not mad with me anymore?

He said while he strengthened his grip on my waist

Karla: how about

I said while I powered off my phone and put it in my back pocket and turned around to him putting my arms around his neck

Karla: you leave me the fuck alone

I said while I was about to walk away from him but he grabbed my wrist and pull me back for a hug at I was supprice that he gave me a hug cause I thought he wasn't a person that likes giving  hugs but at  first i didn't hug back

Mattia: I'm sorry for being such a dick to you

After he said that I felt bad that I didn't hug back so I hugged him back

Mattia: not mad anymore beautiful?

He whispered in my ear I just ignored his question and said

Karla: I didn't know you were a guy that likes giving girls hugs soppracilly you are

Mattia: don't ignore my question answer me bea?

He said while he got out of the hug but his hands were on my hips and he was looking at me into eyes

Karla: *sigh*  Fine. Yeah I forgive you I guess

Mattia: okay now we can enjoy the party and have a great time with out any  problems

He said smiling and turning to get the bottle of vodka and poring a little bit on a cup

Mattia: here babe

He said while he past me the cup

Karla: oh nah.Thank you tho.But I just don't want to get drunk today yk

I said while I give it back to him

Mattia: oh well then do what you wanna do but I am

He said drinking from the cup

Karla: okay euh I'm gonna go now and try to make some friends

Mattia: K yell my name if some is overdoing you couse i will bit their ass

Karla: kk

I walked away from the kitchen and I saw 


but n e ways sorry luvs  for not posting yesterday but I was busy and today in morning but now I don't have anything to do so yeah I dicided to publish something for you guys

So talk to you guys in the next chapter 💋💋💋

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