💫 028 🦋

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Oh so he thinks that I'm BEAUTIFULLLL!!!!
Probably not but like whatever
getting ready for Kairis party

We just got out of school and we were all talking in the bleachers and ig you guys are wondering yes I'm still mad at mattia but n e ways I was just bored when something came to my mind

Karla: guys!!

Them: what's up?

Karla: so like I just got out of a '"relationship"' right

Them: yeah?

Karla: so I  want to change something about myself

Robert: what do you wanna change about your self?

Karla: I want to dyed my hair

Kairi: that's a good idea

Alejandro: what color?

Karla: mmmmm idk I was thinking to dyed it purple or red cause like  that's my favorite colors

The boys: Red

Karla: k so do you want to go with me to get the hair dyed

The boys: yeah let's goo

We headed to car and we went to the nearest cvs we had and we bought the hair dyed and some snacks then we headed to the house and when we were at the house the boys ended up saying.  So they were in my room doing tiktoks while I was doing my hair
30 minutes later
I just finished showering  cause I had to get the dyed off my hair so I changed to someone sweatpants and a crop top then I blow dried my hair and my hair came out really pretty like I love how the red looks on me then I went out of the bathroom and showed the boys

Karla: sooo how do I look

I said modeling

Kairi: it looks good

Mattia: the red looks good on you

Alejandro: that came out better than I thought It would

Robert: sis looking beautiful

Karla: I really liked too ngl
The boys just left cause they were going to get ready and yeah and I just started to get ready cause the party was at 10and we have to be there before 10 cause some  people are so early so I started to get ready . When I was ready I took a pic and I posted it on ig spam

 When I was ready I took a pic and I posted it on ig spam °•°•°•°•☆°•°•°•°•°•☆°•°•°•°•☆°•°•°•°•☆°•°•°•°

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Liked by: @thatwhitelatino_spam,@theroadmanmattia, @barboza.02 and 24,26726 others

Karla_mamiii: I dyed  my hair and I love it 😗💯

@malcumm_: being this cute  should be illegal

@thatwhitelatino_spam: the outfit oof😍 the hair wow 🤯

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I was watching riverdale when I heard a knock on my window and I know who it was so I put something else in my tv and turned my lights off and turned my LED lights on and I got my bag and my phone and opened the window and I saw the boys so they help me get out of my window then they jump down of the roof and I was the last one that was still in the roof

Alejandro: come on

Karla: y-yeah, I am not use to jump from a roof like you guys

Kairi: come I'll catch you

He said while he stretched his arms out

Karla: noo I'm scared what if you don't kai

Alejandro: come on karla

Alejandro said a little bit annoyed at this point and Mattia just rolled his eyes and said

Mattia: come on  karla we have to go.  Imma help you fam .don't worry I will catch you

He said while he come over and stretched his arms I just nodded and took my little purse off and signal kairi to catch it and I throw it and he catch it then I jumped and Mattia catch me and then  he put me down

Karla: thanks

Mattia: you're welcome

He said while he smirked at me

Karla:  this doesn't mean we are okay.I'm still mad at you

I said while I headed to Robert's car

Mattia: oh my gooooood why the fuck girls have to be so fucking complicated. Like damn

He said while he run his  hand through his hair

Then we all got in the car and we headed to kairi's house

Hey luvs
I'm so sorry if this is bad but I had the CHAPTER already planned and I went to do some stuff and I forgot what was I gonna write then I had other idea and I started writing it but my baby cousin came and he wanted to play so I had to stop writing so when he left I forgot and now I just write something random cause I just want to have a update for you guys

Soo yeah talk to guys in the next chapter 💋💋💋💋💋

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