💫 033 🦋

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I got up and went to check on her a knock on her door but she didn't answer so I just entered but when I entered she wasn't there and then her phone started ringing so I walked to her phone so I could give it to her but they ended the call and send a message


Mal❤: hey karl I mis you
bruh like I lot and the boys do to

Mal❤: except of Diego he has been so distant and now he gets mad for everything bruh we really need you here

Mal❤: love you!!!!

Then she came out of the bathroom with a towel around her body

Karla: wtf are you doing in my room and with my phone in your hand ?

Mattia: umm uh I came to talk to you about something and I kinda have to sleep here so yeah and about your phone they were just calling you and I was going to take your phone but they hung up

Karla: uh thank you I guess

She said graving her clothes and got in the bathroom then a couple of minutes later she came out wearing

She said graving her clothes and got in the bathroom then a couple of minutes later she came out wearing

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She looked so fucking beautiful

Karla: so what do you want talk about?

She said seating next to me in the bed

Mattia: ummm idk how to say this ugh

Karla: come on just say it
Karla's pov

Mattia: okay so

He said putting his hands ontop of mine

Mattia: karla I really like you but I'm sorry that I don't show it

Karla: awwww I really like you too and it's fine you can work on showing your feelings

Mattia: no I mean that I really really like you

Wait he saying- wha- am I dreaming

Karla: Mattia....

Mattia: I know you're going to say that you don't like me cause I been a asshole to y-

I grabbed his face and kiss him then I pulled out of the kiss

Karla: I really really like you too mattia even tho if you were a total dick to me but I want to take this slow okay I been have my heart broken a lot of times and I don't want that again okay

Mattia: okay I will wait until you're ready

Karla: right now we are in talking terms and then we will see if that changes now let's go back to the boys cause they are probably wandering what are we doing

Mattia: I let's go

We headed to Robert's room and I sat on Robert's bed and mattia layed his head on my stomach

Kairi: what were you guys doing?

Alejandro: they were probably fucking

Karla: oh nah we were just talking

Then I went through my phone and I got a massage from Instagram

@socialbashlive: hey karla I hope you're having a great day I'm just here fro telling you that you were nominated to go to social bash with us this year


the boys: what happened!!!

I got out the bed and started jumping

Karla: guess who got invited to social bash!!!!

Alejandro: congrats!!!

Kairi: thats good cause we are going too

Karla: omg yeah

Robert: oh im happy for you but now im going to be the only one who is not going

Karla: awwww

I went to hug him

Then I took a picture and posted on my spam

Then I took a picture and posted on my spam

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Guess who is going to social bash!!!!

@malcummm_: for real omg we can see each other cause I'm going
@vibinwithkarla: omg yessss


This is so bad I'm sorry I just wanted to update you guys I'm sorry if is all over the place

And if you have any ideas for the next chapter I would appreciated alot if you leave it in the comments

And I have other question guys so like a made a book "las diablas" but I don't know what to do it about and I was thinking to make it like mafia but I'm already working on one so idk

But e n ways talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋

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