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Jocelyn and me are already tired of walking in the mall for almost 3 hours done headed home and before we got in we asked the boys if we could come in now and they said yes but they have to cover our eyes and take us to my room cause they are almost done. So we just said okay and we got the car we waited for them and when the came they put us on a bandana around our eyes and took us to my room. When we were there they got out and left us there so we dicided get ready whatever we were going to give them

I give him and basket like the boys basket with a cute teddy bear and some shoes that he was wanting to buy but he couldn't find them so I bought it for him
So I put everything in a big red bag for presents and Jocelyn was going to give malcom a new wallet a hoodie and a box that inside of it had pictures of them and his favorite candy

She was going to give Quinton a little basket with candy and a card saying happy valentine's day as well as I was going to give malcom

Then minutes later the came upstairs and told us we could go downstairs now so we did and when we were in upstairs we saw

Then minutes later the came upstairs and told us we could go downstairs now so we did and when we were in upstairs we saw

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Karla: awww this is so cute

Jocelyn: yeah its simple but cute

Malcom: it took us hours to figure out how to put everything together

Quinton: but it came out good tho

Karla: okay come on let's seat down

I sat next to Quinton

Quinton: so we don't know how to cook so we ordered food and dessert so let's eat

They give us what they brought and we eat and watch a movie we had a great time
20 minutes later

We finished eating so it was time to give each other our present. So we brought our presents and I told malcom and Jocelyn to go firs so they gave each other their present and he ask her out ot was the cutest thing ever and she said yes and then he gave her a promise ring

Then it was my and Quintons turn I went first so i gave him my present and he opened it and he love it then he gave me mine

Then it was my and Quintons turn I went first so i gave him my present and he opened it and he love it then he gave me mine

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