💫 018 🦋

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I was staring at my phone thinking what should I say to Diego


Karla🥺: Diego look I don't wanna break your heart or anything but I don't see you in  that way I only see u as a friend but we can still be friends

Diegito🥺: karla is it because of that dude that was with you in your room. Karla you have to love me back if you don't I will kill my self

Karla🥺: Diego stop fucking playing dude I know you doing this for a YT vid or for a tiktok

When I read Diego's massege I was in shock I didn't know if he was playing or something i just dicided to  respond that it was like a massege prank

Diegito🥺: I'm not playing karla you have to  love me back I'm going to go to new Jersey to see you and you are going to be mine if not I'm going to kill my self and all your life your going to have that I kill my self because of you

I was so scared now

Wtf Is happening Diego is not like that .I need my bestfriend back

I wanted to cry so bad but I helped my self to not to because I didn't want to ruin the moment. A couple minutes later we were at the party so we got out of the car when we got out of the car the smell of alchohol and weed hit  me and there was already drunk and high people the music wasn't that high cause it was in a school night . We entered the house and I seated on the couch and the boys all went on their own way then someone  tap my shoulder I turned around and it was D'angelo

D'angelo: hey karla

Karla: omg hi I didn't know you would be here

I said while I hugged him

D'angelo: me neither but here we are

Karla: hahahha yeah

He said while we pulled out of the hug

D'angelo: hey I heard that you make music

Karla: really....but yeah I do

D'angelo:  I heard one of your raps and you actually have a nice voice

Karla: oh I try (I say jokingly) but thank you I've never really sung to people like in  live before  it always through a phone

D'angelo: well....there's a first time for everything

Karla: what do you mean by" there's a first time for everything"?-

Before I can say anything. D'angelo pulls me by my wrist and yanks me to the other side of the livingroom. He stops the music and grabs the microphone

D'angelo: hey everyone can I have you guys attention? So karla is gonna sing one of her songs for us tonight to show how happy she is to be transferred to our school

Karla: wait? What? Oh no.no.no.no.no.no.no.no. I'm goood

In that moment everyone started chanting my name


Hey luvs

I want to start this by saying thank you to_GlossyMiracle_ for the idea to how to respond to Diego's massege ❤❤❤


how many times a day do you guys want me to publish And what days should I plublis?

So I think this is it for today. Love you guys so much and stay safe n healthy and I will talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋💋

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