💫 044 🦋

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After school

I was walking with the boys out of the  school when we saw Quinton and malcom parked in front of the school and they came to us

Malcom&Quinton: sup guys

The boys: sup

Mattia responded to them but he didn't look as happy as the others were to see them. Then they were all talking when Quinton out of nowhere put his arm around my neck so I put my hand around his waist and now mattia looked yo pissed about it...... but why tho he was the one  who messed shit up not me
But n e ways after we talked we said bye and  obviously I didn't say bye to mattia or either talked to him but n e ways we headed to the car and when I opened the car back door I saw bags, I was confused but I just put them a side and got in then more later on I was curious so I ask them

Karla: guys what are this bags?

I said graving a bag

Malcom: DON'T OPEN IT!!!

karla: oh my god sheesh okay.okay. bitch you don't have to scream

I said putting the bag back

Malcom: I'm sorry

Karla: it's fine.....but what's in the bag tho?

Malcom: p-

Quinton: personal stuff

Karla: oooooookayyyyy?🤨 but n e ways where is Jocelyn?

Malcom: she stayed home cause me and  Quinton had to buy this personal stuff

Karla: oh

I was wandering what was in the bag but I just didn't put that much attention to it but n e way we got home and I went straight to my room and I opened my door and I saw Jocelyn on my bed and I threw my self on the bed next to her

Jocelyn: hey karl

Karla: hey lyn do you know how fucking hungry I am

Jocelyn: Pizza?

Karla: yessss

The boys came upstairs and they help us  to order the pizza then while we waited for the pizza I did my homework cause I wanted to go to the mall with Jocelyn later so yeah and I also made them help me with my homework 😊😊😊😊but n e ways when the pizza came we all headed downstairs and I grabbed the plates, Jocelyn grabbed the cups, malcom took the soda out of the fridge and Quinton went to get the pizza
20 minutes later

We just finished eating and right now we were talking about some random stuff when I saw the time it was 5:30pm and the mall's close at 9:30pm and idk how much we are going to take at mall so we have to go early. So I got up and washed my dishes as well as the others then I cleaned the table and I dicided to text Jocelyn


Karly💕: josie let's go to the mall to buy the boys present for tomorrow

Josie❤: bet let's goo

Karla: Jocelyn wanna go with me to  the store?

Jocelyn: yeah let's goo

Malcom: can I go?

Quinton: I wanna go to

Karla: no you guys can't come

Quinton&malcom: why?!

Jocelyn: because it's that time of the month for karla and she needs to buy stuff

Quinton: I don't care there's nothing wrong with that

Malcom: yeah what he said

Karla: and then Jocelyn has to buy something from Victoria's secret-

Quinton: nvm I don't want to go anymore

Malcom: me either

Me and Jocelyn laughed and then we got out of the house and got in the car and headed to the mall
Skip to the mall

We were at mall but we separated cause she want to go to a different place to buy the things so yeah but we said that when we finish we have to meet on the food court n e ways while she wasn't with me I searched for a present for her and then when I found her present I searched for the boys and when I say the boys I mean by Alejandro,kairi,Quinton and malcom so yeah and I did buy something for Robert but he si going to get it when he comes back

N e ways when I finished buying the presents I headed to the food court and Jocelyn wasn't there yet so I buy a smoothie and waited for her
10 minutes later

I was using my phone when i saw Jocelyn so I put my phone in my back pocket and got up

Karla: ready

Jocelyn: yep let's goo

We got out of the mall and headed home and when we got home the boys were in the livingroom and we just went upstairs and hide their presents. I just let out the presents for the other boys and then we went downstairs to watch a movie with the boys
Hey babe's

So what do you guys think about the new cover?

Oh and luvs today I published a new book name "falling in love with my bestfriend" so go check it out. I just published the characters but if you want add the book to your library so wattpad send you a notification saying that I posted the first CHAPTER

But n e ways talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋💋💋

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