💫 005 🦋

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Karla: yeah maybe. But anyways are you guys hungry cause I'm high-key hungry

The boys: same!!

Robert : we can go eat at a restaurant if you guys want?

Karla: bet let's go. I'm just going upstairs to put my shoes on I will be right back

The boys: okay

Robert: we will be waiting for you at the car

Karla: kk

I said while I runned up the stairs to my room. When I was in my room  I got my shoes and I  putted them on and then I got down the stairs the fastest I could then when I was downstairs I got my phone from the couch and headed outside and walked to Roberts car and opened the back door of his car. And when I opened the door the boys said

The boys: you have to sit in someone's lap

Karla: wait.what. I didn't sign for these

Robert: I'm sorry but you have to cause kairi is in the passenger seat and the seats of the back are for three people

Karla: ugh fine

I seated in mattia's lap cause he was close to the door

Karla: were are we going anyways?

Robert: chick-fil-a

Karla: oh okay
Mattia's pov

Omg. Karla is fucking hot and she latina that makes it even better. But I'm not over jenna I just broke up with her a couple of days ago. She probably going to make me think about jenna or make me sad. No I'm not letting her do that to me. But at the same time she seemed different . It was so uncomfortable when she sat on my lap because she wasn't talking so I dicided to break the  silence.

Mattia: hi

Karla's pov

I seated in his lap and it felt a little uncomfortable cause we weren't talking at all and trust me yes there was music but I  could still feel that uncomfortable silence in both of us until he dicided to say something.

Mattia: hi


I said turning my body so I could see his face

Mattia: is it karla?

Karla: yeah lol. Mattia right?

Mattia: yeah *laughs*

Mattia: how long are you staying here for?

Karla: just a year

Mattia: cool


Mattia's pov

When  I heard she said that she was staying for a year I got excited because I want to get to know her cause she seems a really good person

Karla's pov

We got out of the car cause we where already in chick-fil-a and mattia was next to me he was pretty tall

Karla: you're pretty tall

He ignored me and walk in the building

How fucking rude

Karla: ummm okay


Mattia's pov

She told me that I was "pretty tall" and I just ignored her and walk in the building. Idk why I act like this with girls that I like. I always start acting rude. Wait. No. No. I don't like her. I- I just meet her

Karla: umm okay

Wow. I really just did her like that when I just meet her. What a fucking good impression

Karla's pov

I honestly don't fucking know why the fuck he ignored me but I guess is fine. We didn't talk at all since that. But I just focused to get to know better the other boys

I got my phone and checked the time it was currently 5pm. And we all decided to go back home when we were in the car I was going to sit in his lap again but he didn't look to happy

Karla: you good?

Mattia: yeah why?

Karla: idk u just don't look happy

Mattia: you barely know me?

Karla: aight then. I'm just going to seat on Alejandro's lap

There was no point I  keep talking to him if he was going to fucking answer so fucking dry. he probably one of those guys that are just jerks honestly but I really  don't care cause I just got here and I already have so many fucking problems and I don't want more . So I went to the other side and seated in Alejandro's lap and me and Alejandro talked all the car ride back home

Alejandro was a pretty chill boy and a pretty attractive one. Like you can get along with him so fast

Mattia's pov

What was I thinking? She probably thinks I'm a asshole now. I just wanna say I'm sorry and hug her but now she is with Alejandro yo
Ugh I'm such a fucking idiot.


Hey babes

Comment what do you guys want to happen In the next CHAPTER

So talk to you guys In the next CHAPTER💋

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