💫 006 🦋

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When we were almost home Robert said

Robert: do you guys want to stay for a sleepover?

Alvaro: yeah let me just let my mom know

Kairi&Mattia: same

Alejandro: I mean it's Friday so yeah just let me text my mom to let her know

Robert: I mean are you okay with it too karla cause you live there now?

Kairi&Alvaro&Alejandro: true

Karla: I mean yeah it's okay with me . But I mean the one you should ask if their are okay with it is your parents

Robert: oh no they don't care about they going to the house because we been friends sense long time ago

Karla: oh okay then they can stay for a sleepover

When we got home. The boys went straight to the kitchen and I just walk upstairs to my room. When I got to my room I took my shoes off and putted them In their place. then I changed to my pjs

*This is the pjs she wearing^*

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*This is the pjs she wearing^*

Then I went to the bathroom and I was about to do my night routine when I heard a knock on my door. I got out of the bathroom and went to open the door I when I opened the boys were there

Karla: what happened boys

Alvaro: we want to hang out with you in the room that we helped to decorate

Alejandro: but it seems that you were getting ready for bed so we going leave

Karla: no it's okay you guys can stay

The boys: yay

They all got in my room making their self comfortable Alvaro and Robert were sitting in the couch that I had in my room kairi, Alejandro and mattia were in my bed

Karla: give me space hoes

Alejandro: rude

They gave me space and I and I was a little uncomfortable so I had an idea

Karla: how about we do face masks

The boys: ok

We all went to my bathroom and I got my face mask the one's that you have to peel off

Karla: who gonna go first

Robert : mee!!

Alvaro: no me!!

Alejandro: no me bitches cause I'm handsome

Karla: hahaha kairi come you going to be the first one

Kairi came and I put the face mask on him then I did  robert then Alvaro then Alejandro then it came to be mattia's  turn I just started to do his face mask ugh I can be like this I'm going to say sorry cause maybe I offended him or something like I can be annoying sometimes so I'm going to apologize

Karla: I'm sorry

Mattia: you didn't do nothing wrong I was the one that ignored you

Karla: but  it doesn't matter no more I just want to be in good terms with

Mattia: okay bet friends?

Karla: friends

I finished his face mask and I started to do mine

Mattia: can I do yours

Karla: sure

I seated on the counter and he was standing in the middle of my legs we were talking and laughing while he did my mask when he finished we went to the room with the boys and watched a movie then we talked our face  masks off and that was the funniest part cause the boys were screaming off pain when  they took them off

Mattia: fuck. Fuck why does this hurts so much dude

Alvaro : yeah this hurts

Kairi: I put face mask on  but not this kind of them .Now I know why I don't use them

Robert: yeah

Alejandro: karla how the fuck do you do this all the time

Karla: hahahha I got use to it cause beauty hurts bitches

I think this is so bad bu like I don't have any ideas so if you have any ideas comment some.

Love you guys talk to you guys in the next CHAPTER 💋

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