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Kalani can't stop the groan from escaping her as her hand slams down on her alarm clock. There goes her dream of marrying Chris Hemsworth with Rihanna as her Maid of Honor. Her hand shoots out to meet the edge of her bedside table. She hisses in pain as she shuffles around, looking for her phone.

Finally, she finds it and grabs it. She spends a good five minutes scrolling through her notifications. They were mainly new tweets from her favorite celebrities and YouTube notifications. She, quickly, sends her father a good morning text in case she forgets to do it later. Lord knows what would happen if she went a day without texting her dad.

It was mainly for his sake so he doesn't have to worry about his daughter that lived so many states away. Despite living there for a year already, Damien Reed still wasn't comfortable with his daughter being so far away from him. He'd taken care of her for twenty-one years of her life and now she's on her own. In his defense, his protectiveness was somewhat warranted considering she was a black woman living by herself just down the road from crazy people.

Kalani scrolls through her messages to see that her brother still hadn't gotten back to her. She'd contacted him two weeks ago, yet he hadn't responded. Her finger swipes down to see the many unanswered messages, some of them unread. Kellan seemed to have disappeared into thin air, not even leaving a trace of himself. Kalani was worried, to say the least, but she'd gotten used to it. Since her days in high school, her brother would wander off at all hours of the night, coughing it up to his friend needing a jumpstart or he left his wallet at the movie theater, but then he wouldn't be home for hours on end.

There was a point where she'd asked him where he often disappeared to, but he just told her to "mind her business."

So, she did.

Her brother taught her that not everything should be out in the open. Granted she had nothing to hide, but she'd learned not to delve into people's business unless she's told directly. Well, depends on the circumstance.

Kalani rolls further into her bed with a sigh and in a weird flash of flexibility, her feet hit the cold floor. She shivers and reaches under her sheets to find the socks she'd kicked off last night. She pulls them on before trudging to her bathroom a few feet away only to kick them off again. Her studio apartment was small, to say the least. It was the best she could afford. Regardless, she made do with the limited space.

Kalani takes a glance at the time on her phone. She had roughly an hour before she had to be at the café. Luckily, it was only a ten-minute walk from her apartment. Twenty minutes pass and when she exits the shower, she barely has a minute to breathe before her phone blasts her annoying ring tone.

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