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GIOVANNI LAZARO AWAKENS WITH A loud gasp. His chest heaves as his body lifts itself from the bed. His sister scrambles to his side, sending an Italian prayer up to the heavens.

"Giovanni, thank God you're alive," Sofia rushes out, happily. She reaches for his hand and plants a grateful kiss on it. "I was so worried about you."

He grunts in pain as he tries to lift his arm, only for it to stiffen up in its cast. With his uninjured arm, he cradles his sister's face in his hand, "Stai bene? Dov'è Kalani?" Are you okay? Where's Kalani?

Sofia looks down, a tear escaping her eye, "Loro ... non riescono a trovarla." They... they can't find her.

His eyebrows furrow as he scans his sister's face, "Cosa intendi?" What do you mean?

"Dante tornò in Sicilia a cercarvi entrambi e riuscì a trovarvi solo sotto tutte le macerie." Dante went back to Sicily to look for you both and he could only find you under all the rubble. Sofia releases a shaky breath as she watches her brother waver. "You're lucky you're alive, brother. And still have your arm. The doctor said..."

He can't hear her over the blood rushing in his ears.

Giovanni knew that when he got the call from Dante in New York, something bad would happen. That's why he immediately sent them all off to the safe house on Isola Bella, one of the many islands of Italy. The only men who stayed at the castle were those who traveled with them to New York.

He took an oath as a Don to keep his men safe ━ to allow them to go home at the end of the day with no scratches and especially not in a casket.

Except, Giovanni watched as Angelo was shot and Franco was torn apart in the explosion. 

He broke that oath.

And yet, he survived ━ only being shot and lost under the rubble. It was a miracle from God that he is still breathing but, now, as he contemplates Kalani being missing, he can't help but curse at his inability to keep her safe.

"Dov'è Dante?" Where's Dante?  Giovanni asks after a minute of silence.

"He's by the door." She tells him with tear-stained cheeks. He gives her a look, earning a nod from her, "Vado a prenderlo." I'll go get him.

With that, she exits the room, leaving Giovanni to drown in his thoughts. His eyes wander around the designated medical room of the safe house.

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