the aftermath + alternate ending

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heyyyyyy, how y'all doing?

welcome back to criminal desire. in this episode - nah, im playin'. this bonus chapter is meant to show the alternate ending (written as jotted down notes and points) to criminal desire that i had up before everything went down with 🤮 (y'all know who im talking about) and it also shows what i had plotted for criminal impulse, which was supposed to be the second book in the series.

hope y'all are ready

btw, it might be a little choppy because it's been months since i started then deleted criminal impulse (which i lowkey miss, no cappizle) and i have a terrible memory so -

ready or notttttttttttttttt, here we goooooo

alternate ending for criminal desire

in the alternate ending of criminal desire, kalani and giovanni did not get married or even engaged

but gio WAS planning on proposing

kalani left the castle to go to the grocery store but got in an accident - the men that went with her died on impact

since she was in the back seat, she barely got hurt - except for the child that she lost which she didn't know about

and that's when we pick up with criminal impulse

criminal impulse

so in the beginning of criminal impulse, we see that kalani is back in new york - well really, the book starts with the note kalani left giovanni when she fled italy

they were together for a couple of weeks after she got home from the hospital but she couldn't bare to stay there with him and she was suffering from depression so she went back to ny

lauren had her baby and it took kalani a while to not feel sad everytime she looks at her because she's thinking about what she lost

giovanni doesn't chase kalani because he gave her the option to leave and she did - he's not going to take that from her

kalani quit her jobs at the cafe and karaoke bar and goes out for an interview at a city magazine

the guy who interviews her (the boss) is also italian (tell me why tf i forgot his name - i think it was marco) and kinda flirts with her

she's not really comfortable with it considering how her relationship went with another italian


she, lauren, and ryan go out to celebrate her getting the job and she gets drunk and goes to the bathroom where she drunk dials gio

"i miss you."

"i love you"

"i want to see you again"

couple days pass and marco drives her home cause it's late and she doesn't have her car. he asks her to go to a charity gala w him on the weekend

she says yes, cause he's her boss

in italy, mario is always at doctors appointments and other places - barely in the castle advising gio

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