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ONE THING ABOUT GIOVANNI LAZARO: he's very proud and headsteady

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ONE THING ABOUT GIOVANNI LAZARO: he's very proud and headsteady. Despite how turned on he is by one woman, he wouldn't allow that to distract him from the problem at hand.

As much as he wanted to bend her over the counter and fuck her until it cracked, he stopped himself. He, in turn, subjected himself to a quick bathroom break.

After the meeting with all the families of the Sicilian Mafia, Mario had led him out of the house for a walk.

"You know I have been your advisor for some time now, your father's before you for twenty years, and you trust me. We trust each other."

"What are you getting at, Mario?" Giovanni stops in his footsteps and turns to face the older man.

"La ragazza..." Mario trails off. The girl...

Giovanni resists the urge to groan in annoyance, "Che mi dici di lei?" What about her?

"What do you plan to do with her when you kill her brother?" Mario asks, his eyes narrowing at Giovanni's stoic face.

"We've been over this, Mario ━"

Mario holds up a finger to stop him, "No, we haven't." He scans his godson's face, "You have obviously grown protective over this girl ━ as Roman had pointed it out, Giovanni. He isn't wrong. Now, I don't know if these feelings will cloud your judgement, but we will not keep her here against her will."

Giovanni stares at his advisor, mulling over his words. Yes, as much as he didn't want to admit it, some part of him has grown to like the woman, despite her constant teasing and her tendency to be annoying.

However, other than the information his men had gathered on her, there isn't much else he knows about her.

He's sure she knows that he would be taking her brother's life in return for his father's, she just didn't want to admit it.

But, Mario posed a thoughtful question.

What is he going to do with her?

"You have to look deep within yourself, Giovanni, and ask yourself if you have what it takes to put a bullet in her brother's brain without regrets or any sort of guilt." Mario continues, "Because she will hate you when you do."

The taller man's eyes scan his advisor's, an inquiring expression clouding his stare, "You believe she's not worth it?"

"And you believe she is?" Mario counters, his eyebrows furrowing. His voice lowers as he continues, "She has caused this war and as much as you want to convince yourself that she hasn't, you are wrong."

"She's the only reason we've gotten this far." Giovanni snaps, his accent thickening in frustration, "If it wasn't for her, we would be stuck in the same place we were a month ago. Since she's been here, we found out the Bratva was involved ━"

"And since she's been here, you have been acting out of impulse and starting wars to defend her."

"Would you rather I give her up to them?"

Mario pauses in contemplation, "If that were to end the war..."

"I will not give her up, Mario. She doesn't deserve to be passed around as some sort of object."

"But yet she deserves to be kidnapped from her own home."

Giovanni turns to continue walking, a scowl on his face, "That is not the point."

"That is my point, Giovanni, and you know it." Mario bobbles behind him, "If that is the case, and you were to send her home, how long until she cracks from the pressure?"

"What pressure, Mario?"

"The pressure of being kidnapped by the Mafia to be used as incentive. She will tell whoever listens."

"Then, we don't send her back." Giovanni sighs.

"And what? Keep her here to live out the rest of her life ━ in captivity?"

Tired of his pestering, Giovanni rolls his eyes and spins around to come face to face with Mario, a sarcastic response leaving his mouth, "I'll let you know."

GIOVANNI STANDS IN HIS SHOWER, water flowing from his hair and down his spine

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GIOVANNI STANDS IN HIS SHOWER, water flowing from his hair and down his spine. A moan escapes his throat as he rolls his back muscles, trying to release some of the tension but failing.

The steaming hot water clouds the room, leaving it stuffy and hard to breathe. He shuts the water off when he feels he's as relaxed as he's ever going to be for a while.

Reaching for his towel, he wraps it around his waist and leaves the bathroom. After applying some lotion and sliding on a pair of sweatpants, he allows his mind to venture and his dick to harden.

Lust is what pushes him to leave his own room and stop at the door housing the woman his mind has been overrun with thoughts about.

His bare feet hit the ground softly as he approaches it.

He knocks and waits for as many seconds as he can count on two hands, only to be met with Kalani's intoxicating scent and plump lips, ready to be taken control of. Wrapped around her body is a silk robe, her hard nipples poking against it.

He knows what's about to happen.

y'all fair warning, next chapter finna be nasty

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y'all fair warning, next chapter finna be nasty

prepare yourseeeellllllfffffffffffff

and mario just hatin at this point, like let the man livvvveeeee

also i ain't feel like translating all that italian so they spoke everything in english 🤷🏾‍♀️

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