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fair warning: this chapter kinda nasty

THREE DAYS PASSED before Giovanni returned to Sicily, but another day passed before Kalani saw him again

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THREE DAYS PASSED before Giovanni returned to Sicily, but another day passed before Kalani saw him again. He'd been stuck in his office with a select group of his men which consisted of Dante, Mario, and three other guards.

Needless to say, Kalani was a bit confused. Ever since that first night he was gone, she'd been locked in the castle more than usual. A guard had been assigned to her room door and another one assigned to follow her around no matter where she went.

The only place she had peace and quiet was her bedroom, and even that wasn't enough anymore.

Even though she was already in a place she didn't really choose to be in, she felt more trapped than ever. Talking to her father didn't even really make her feel better either. He just reminded her that she was in a fucked up place right now.

A part of her missed seeing Giovanni, considering she hadn't seen him in four days ━ he hadn't responded to her video but she knew he had something planned. Since the day he left, they hadn't spoken a word to each other and honestly, Kalani missed talking to him, even though a majority of their conversations were more sexy than deep.

She doesn't even know his favorite color.

It was late when she decided to take a steamy shower, wanting to wash away another day of stress from her shoulders.

She didn't even bother locking the door ━ the men weren't allowed in her room at all. After standing under the water for thirteen minutes, she takes in her coconut body wash lathered all over her skin and washes it off, her eyes closed at the pretty scent.

When that's all done, she turns off the flowing water and steps away from the shower. Wrapping a towel around herself, she makes her way to the bathroom vanity and stares at herself in the mirror.

She hadn't changed much in the time she'd been with Giovanni. If anything, the only problem was that she was exhausted ━ not physically, but mentally. She was exhausted from crying and worrying and thinking. She just wanted to stop thinking.

Kalani isn't fazed when the door to her bedroom opens. It can only be one person. With a perfect view from the mirror in front of her, she wipes the cloudiness from it to make eye contact with the man she was just thinking about.

His white shirt was unbuttoned at the top, revealing his chest hair and his cuffs were rolled up, reminding Kalani of the time on the plane to Sicily.

"You think you can get away with teasing me like that?" Giovanni growls as he approaches the naked woman. She doesn't hesitate to turn around and face him.

"What are you going to do about it?" She questions, feeling his voice in the pit of her stomach. The space between them was essentially nonexistent as her chest clashes with his.

His tattooed hand reaches for her throat, putting pressure on the sides of her neck rather than her larynx. She doesn't hold back her moan this time.

Giovanni takes that into account and lifts her to rest her on the counter top. He dips his head into the crook of her neck and kisses her skin softly. That kiss quickly escalates into a lick.

Kalani pants at the feeling of his tongue on her, her hands reaching for his belt loops. She pulls him flush on her, leaving no space between them.

He sucks and licks her sweet spot, causing her to roll her body against him, her towel quickly riding up. With one hand wrapped around her throat, the other hikes the towel up and begins to rub circles into her hips.

"Fuck," She whimpers as he blows on her neck.

"You were thinking of me in that video... That's why you were so wet, hmm, principessa?" His words send his voice to her core where she quickly becomes wet.

His thumb moves to her inner thighs, so close to where she craved him.

He plants open mouthed kisses on her neck all the way up to her jaw, avoiding where she wanted his mouth the most. She tilts her head in order to catch his lips in a kiss, but he wavers, moving his head back whenever she leans forward.

She felt tempted to pull him by his collars but she was sure if she started, she wouldn't stop.

"You want me to fuck you, don't you?" He questions, shifting his head down. The towel loosens and falls from her chest.

With it bunched up at her waist, he has a good sight of her breasts and her core. His eyes darken when he can visibly see her wetness surrounding her pussy.

"You're a naughty woman. All wet for me..." He growls, his voice husky with lust.

He removes his hand from her throat to massage her breast, eliciting a soft moan from her. "What do you want me to do to you?"

Kalani cannot even think of any words ━ she is just so mind boggled that her brain doesn't allow her to speak.

"Words, Kalani." He deadpans, his thumb nearing her core.

"I-I want you to touch me..." She whispers as she grabs hold of his forearms in order to keep herself stable.

"Here?" Without warning, his index finger slides over her slit, causing Kalani's jaw to drop in surprise. He rubs her without shame, his eyes set on her facial expressions to gauge her reactions.

He pushes her legs apart roughly with both hands, making more space for himself. When his finger attaches to her clit, he doesn't hesitate to rub her with pressure behind his touch. Kalani doesn't even have the strength to moan with how he renders her weak. Her legs begin to shake as the feeling she hasn't felt in three months rises.

She squeals in pleasure, "Shit, I'm gonna ━"

Before she can finish her statement, Giovanni pulls away. Her mouth gapes at the loss of his fingers, her orgasm sinking before it could float.

He leans into her ear, "Next time, think twice about teasing me." And with that, he walks out, leaving her annoyed and chest heaving.

so i was writing this and the whole time i was like 😗 do i really wanna say this? and then i did so tuff

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so i was writing this and the whole time i was like 😗 do i really wanna say this? and then i did so tuff.

i wrote this all in one sitting.

anyways, somebody get me a giovanni asap

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