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"THE OTHER FAMILIES do not like your plan." The door to Giovanni's office opened, revealing Mario Russo.

He was once Alessandro Lazaro's most trusted advisor. Following his death, Mario transferred his services over to his godson, Giovanni. For two months, he'd tried his hardest to keep him from doing something rash in the hunt for his father's killer, essentially being the voice of reason.

The man in question hobbled in with the support of a gold encrusted cane. He'd hurt his knee in a shoot out, thus the cane.

Giovanni barely glanced up at this intrusion. Mario didn't know what knocking meant. However, his philosophy was that all doors were meant to be opened.

"Mancano di visione." They lack vision. Giovanni recounted what his father had told him once upon a time.

"Ma non ha senso." But not sense. Mario lowered himself onto one of the many seats in the room. His eyes meet the floor before he looks back up at his godson, "Cosa guadagni dal mantenere la ragazza?" What do you gain from keeping the girl?

Giovanni's eyes don't leave his phone screen as he releases a sigh, "We use her to draw out her brother and then ━"

"E poi cosa?" And then what? Mario mutters, "You kill her? Guardami." Look at me. A moment passes where Giovanni finally looks up, his eyes meeting his godfather's. Mario was annoyed, to say the least.

"Se si tratta di quello." If it comes to it.

KALANI STARED AT THE SUITCASE on her bed with a grimace

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KALANI STARED AT THE SUITCASE on her bed with a grimace. It almost stared at her with a sadistic grin, reminding her that her home had been violated fifteen times over. She wanted to cry the longer she looked at it.

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