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AS INDEPENDENT A WOMAN as Kalani Reed is, she had to admit that she liked when Giovanni spent money on her

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AS INDEPENDENT A WOMAN as Kalani Reed is, she had to admit that she liked when Giovanni spent money on her.

There was just something so satisfying about drying out his pockets with every piece of designer clothing that she could find even if she didn't need it.

That was also the same story out of the store.

Considering her resolve was seeming to work out so far, she decided to bring it to the table ━ the restaurant table that is. Even though she couldn't understand shit that was on the menu, her eyes searched for the most expensive meal and right as she was about to order it, Giovanni ordered for her.

She glared at him the whole time, save for whenever she was in a conversation with Sofia who didn't seem to realize the tension between her brother and prospective friend.

When Giovanni whipped out his phone, Sofia took the opportunity to show that she did notice the tension between them. She leaned in closer to Kalani, knowing that her brother couldn't care less about what they were talking about.

"So, I've come to realize that you and my brother aren't the best of friends..." Sofia trails off, a small smile on her face.

Kalani was in the middle of sipping on her orange juice when she pauses, "Who's your brother?"

Sofia's eyes flicker over to the man across from them. Kalani's jaw drops in surprise.

"How the hell are you two related?" She questions, louder than she expected herself to speak. She gained a glare from Giovanni as he proceeded to remove his phone from the equation and insert himself into the conversation.

"Genetics." He deadpans.

Sofia rolls her eyes and slaps his arm, "We get that all the time."

If Kalani really looked at them beside each other, she could see the similarities between them. From their cheekbones to their same brown eyes. However, while Sofia's hair was a dark brown, Giovanni's was a pitch black.

"Hmm," Kalani just hums as she sips her juice, "Wild."

"Anyways, back to the topic at hand," Sofia redirects the conversation, "What is going on between you two?"

"Well, I mean it's not like he kidnapped me or anything..." Kalani sips her juice once again, avoiding the instant look of shock on Sofia's face. Giovanni just sighs and shakes his head, preparing for his chew out.

"I'm sorry, you what?" The Italian's head snaps towards her brother, a bit of her temper pouring out. "What the hell is wrong with you Giovanni?"

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