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"PLEASE DO NOT TELL HER WHAT YOU DO." Kalani pleads to the man by her side. "Even if she asks, which she will."

"I thought best friends tell each other everything," Giovanni raises an eyebrow at the woman.

She turns to him with her arms crossed against her chest, "Yeah, sure, let me just pull her aside and tell her that my boyfriend is a gangster."

"I am your boyfriend?" Giovanni's accent is thick as he chuckles, pushing a stray curl behind her ear.

She rolls her eyes in response, "Well, according to you, we did run away together."

He scoffs in return before turning to face the country club that Kalani's friend rented out for the baby shower. Giovanni feels as Kalani intertwines their fingers before she moves from her spot, pulling him with her.

Angelo and Franco stay rooted in their spots by the front of the building, eyes wandering cautiously.

The couple enter the already crowded building. Kalani was shocked at how many people Lauren invited that she probably doesn't even know. She knows, for sure, she wasn't gone long enough for Lauren to meet a whole new group of people.

Her eyes scan the room in search of said friend or, at least, said friend's boyfriend.

Neither Ryan nor Lauren were anywhere to be seen, prompting Kalani to move outside where there were even more people. Releasing Giovanni's hand, she approaches a single table in the midst of the yard where gifts are piled on. She props the crib mobile on it, making sure it doesn't fall off.

A hand rests on her lower back, right above her ass. She relaxes when she recognizes who it is.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" Giovanni's voice is soft as he looks down at the woman in the yellow dress. Her already golden skin seemed to glow as he gazes at the dress that fits her perfectly.

Kalani's curls are released and her face is bare of makeup except for gloss and a bit of mascara, giving her the naturally cute look

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Kalani's curls are released and her face is bare of makeup except for gloss and a bit of mascara, giving her the naturally cute look.

She pivots to face the Italian man and wraps her arms around his neck. She doesn't have to tip toe this time with the six inch heels she's wearing.

A bright smile grows on her face as she gazes at his handsome face, "Well, thank you. I try." She pecks his lips and is about to go for more when she hears someone clear their throat across from them.

Annoyed that they're interrupted, she turns, ready to cuss someone out when she catches sight of Lauren Washington, in all her pregnant glory, staring at the two with wide eyes and a bright smile on her face.

The girls squeal as they approach each other, flinging their arms around each other, happily.

"Damn, girl, I almost forgot what you looked like with how long you been gone," Lauren laughs as she pulls away and runs her hand down Kalani's hair, "You glowing, bitch. Are you pregn ━"

Kalani stops her before she can continue her statement, "Don't even try." She laughs before looking the pregnant woman up and down, "You look so good, Laurie."

"Girl, I'm ready to get this child the fuck outta me." Lauren groans before glancing behind her friend to catch sight of Giovanni who was standing by, watching the friends reunite, "And you must be the dude who stole my best friend from me."

Taking that as his cue, Giovanni approached the two women, his mouth folded into a small smile, "Giovanni Lazaro. Nice to meet you. Kalani has told me a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope." Lauren winks at Kalani before her hand flies to hold her stomach, "So, Giovanni, is it? We have some talking to do. Walk with me."

Kalani shoots a glare at Lauren, "Don't you dare ━"

"Just the standard questions. I promise." Lauren assures her friend, jokingly.

"Gio, you don't have to if you don't want to ━" Kalani tries to convince her... whatever he is... to not fall into Lauren's investigative trap.

This is what happened with Hunter. She interrogated him for hours on end, asking about his job and future aspirations and what side of the bed he likes to sleep on and how he likes his coffee. Lauren is always looking out for her best friend, especially when it comes to guys.

He cuts her off with a peck to the lips, effectively shutting her up, "I'll be fine, principessa."

So focused on each other, the two don't even notice Lauren jumping in awe at how cute the couple is. She didn't even know what to do ━ freak out cause he's Italian or freak out cause they kissed. So, she double freaked out, but silently.

Honestly, Kalani was scared that Lauren would ask him something so out of pocket that he wouldn't even know how to respond. All the crazy thoughts began rushing to her head.

What if she asks how they met and the stories don't correlate?

What if she asks what he does and she doesn't like his answer?

What if, by some freak of nature, she figures out the entire truth?

Half an hour passes with Kalani munching on cheese and crackers and fruit punch, contemplating all the bad ways Lauren's conversation with Giovanni could go. She's halfway through her twenty-third cracker, her feet propped up on the chair beside her, when she sees Giovanni standing over her.

She raises her legs, waiting for him to sit down, before placing them back down on his lap.

"How'd it go?" The woman asks, shoving the rest of the cracker in her mouth.

"I can see why you two are friends..." He starts, earning a raised eyebrow, "You are both, quite, how do I say this ━ pazza."

Kalani groans, "What does that mean?"


She launches a small block of cheese at the man, a laugh bubbling out of them both, "Fuck you. Take that back."

look at my cuties

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look at my cuties...

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